Ensuring communication and a thorough inclusion of cross-cutting issues is essential for the cooperation activities of a leading human rights organisation. On this page you can find more information about the management methods for cooperation, including the human rights approach, gender mainstreaming and support to implementation of UN SDGs.

Facts and figures


The ODGP communication team acts as a hub for cooperation communication and sets the standards, with Council of Europe External Offices, the Directorate of Communication, other internal services and partners like the EU. The team works with 25+ websites and social media, including ODGP, Office and programme sites.

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Did you know ? 

CoE cooperation comprises more than 200 live projects with more than 5 000 project activities, all reflected in the project management system (PMM).


PMM training ensures both quality and compliance tracks in project management. In response to the current crisis live PMM IT tool training continues via virtual means, with a number of sessions particularly for Council of Europe External Offices staff.

Did you know ? 

Norway currently seconds two officials in CoE Offices: a Human Rights Approach Advisor (Sarajevo) and a Gender Mainstreaming Advisor (Pristina).


Finland has been seconding a Gender Mainstreaming Advisor for 3 consecutive years (Kyiv).

Project data

 Access the project data

 We invite you to send us your questions and comments to odgp@coe.int. We will answer as soon as possible.