Title Duration Total Contribution
Support to efficient domestic capacity for the execution of ECtHR judgments (Phase 2)


€600 000
Further strengthening the provision of health care and mental health care in prisons and other closed institutions in Romania (Continuation/phase 2) 01/01/2025-31/12/2025 €200 000
Human Rights and Environmentally Responsible Business Practices Phase I 01/10/2024-30/09/2025 €506 333
Human Rights and Sustainable Environment in South-East Europe 01/01/2024-31/12/2025 €500 000
Further strengthening the provision of health care and mental health care in prisons and other closed institutions in Romania 01/01/2024-31/12/2024 €190 000
Support to the effective execution of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in Armenia 01/01/2023-31/12/2024 €500 000
Support to efficient domestic capacity for the execution of ECtHR judgments (Phase 1) 01/01/2023-30/06/2024 €480 000
Impact of the European Convention on Human Rights 2022-2023 01/01/2022-31/12/2023 €30 000
HELP in the Western Balkans 01/01/2023-31/12/2024 €500 000
Enhancing Subsidiarity: Support to the ECHR Knowledge-sharing and Superior Courts Dialogue 01/07/2022-30/06/2026 €400 000
Support for the improvement of the execution of the European Court judgments by Azerbaijan 01/09/2022-29/02/2024 Up to €400 000
Reducing the backlog of outstanding unexecuted leading judgments of the European Court of Human Rights 01/01/2021-31/12/2025 €200 000
Promoting human rights and equality for LGBTI persons III 01/01/2021-31/12/2023 €300 000
Enhancing the Disciplinary and Reward Procedures for prisoners in Türkiye 01/11/2022-31/10/2025 €300 000
Strengthening judicial control over pre-trial proceedings 01/01/2022- 31/12/2023 €600 000
Ensuring the effective implementation of the right to a fair trial (Article 6 of the ECHR) in Ukraine 01/09/2021- 30/06/2023 €450 000
Strengthening the provision of health care and mental health care in prisons in Romania 01/01/2022- 31/12/2023 €440 000
Support for the execution by Armenia of judgments in respect of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights 01/01/2021- 31/12/2022 €200 000
HELP in the Russian Federation (phase III) 01/07/2020- 31/12/2021 €384 175
Further support for the execution by Ukraine of judgments in respect of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights 01/11/2019-30/06/2021 €800 000
Strengthening prison healthcare in Greece 01/06/2019- 31/12/2021 €600 000
Enhancing the Effectiveness of Civil Monitoring Boards in line with European Standards in Türkiye 01/06/2019- 31/12/2022 €164 000
Promoting Human Rights and Equality for LGBT people II 01/01/2019- 31/12/2020 €200 000
Supporting Parliamentary Oversight over Execution of the European Court Judgments in Georgia 01/04/2019- 31/03/2021 €200 000
Facilitation of the process of amending the Constitution in Bosnia and Herzegovina



€70 000
Supporting Ukraine in the process of execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights 01/03/2018- 31/10/2019 €700 000
Protection of Rights of Refugees and Migrants in Turkey 01/12/2017- 31/01/2019 €105 000
Improving the effectiveness of Investigation of allegations of ill-treatment and Combating Impunity (Türkiye) 01/12/2017- 31/05/2019 €105 000
Help in the Western Balkans - Phase II 01/12/2017- 30/11/2019 €500 000
European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal professionals, judges, prosecutors and lawyers (HELP Programme) Phase II (in the Russian Federation) 01/01/2017- 31/05/2019 €1 670 200
Support for the implementation of ECHR judgments and CPT standards and recommendations - Police and Prison Reform in Bulgaria 01/11/2016- 31/01/2018 €400 000
HELP selected thematic areas for: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" and Turkey 01/04/2016- 30/09/2017 €450 000
Human rights friendly judiciary - Shared Responsibility of the courts in Serbia in implementing the ECHR at national level 01/01/2016-
€350 000
Improving the operational capacities of the Public Defender’s Office in Georgia 01/02/2015- 31/01/2017 €180 000
HELP in the Russian Federation 01/03/2015- 31/12/2016 €400 000
Improving the system of disciplinary accountability of judges in Ukraine 01/01/2015- 31/12/2015 €400 000
Public monitoring committees in the Russian Federation (next generation project) 01/01/2015- 31/12/2016 €500 000
HELP - European Training Network and Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals 01/01/2014- 31/12/2015 €1 200 000
Supporting the Individual Application to the Constitutional Court in Turkey 01/11/2013- 30/04/2015 €408 000
Supporting Parliamentary mechanisms and structures for the supervision of the execution of judgments 01/09/2013-
€50 000
Promoting effective public monitoring of places of deprivation of liberty in Russia (''PMC Project'') 01/01/2012-
Support to a coherent national implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights in the Republic of Moldova 01/09/2015-
€600 000
Freedom of expression and the media in Turkey/Facilitating the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights 01/01/2012- 30/04/2014 €300 000
HELP Framework Programme - European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals, judges, prosecutors and lawyers 01/03/2013-
€1 030 000
Implementing pilot, 'quasi-pilot' judgments and judgments revealing systemic and structural problems in the field of detention on remand and remedies to challenge detention conditions 01/01/2012- 31/07/2015 €800 000
Bringing Convention standards closer to home: Translation and dissemination of key ECHR case-law in target languages 01/03/2012- 31/03/2016 €1 360 000
Setting up a Training Institute within the European Court of Human Rights 01/03/2012-28/02/2015 €620 000
Strengthening professional training on the ECHR - European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (the HELP Programme) 01/01/2010- 28/02/2013 €1 913 365
The European NPM project : Promoting independent national non-judicial mechanisms for the prevention of the torture 01/01/2009 - 31/12/2011 €480 000
Support to the work of the Commissioner for Human Rights in areas affected by the South Ossetia conflict 01/01/2009-31/12/2010 €275 000
Assistance towards implementation of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights concerning action of Security Forces in Chechnya 01/01/2009-31/12/2010 €368 282
Removing the obstacles to the non-enforcement of domestic court judgments. Ensuring effective implementation of domestic court judgments 01/01/2009-31/12/2010 €1 249 637