Information concerning Council of Europe projects already implemented in BiH can be found here: 


Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey II:

Freedom of expression and freedom of the media in Bosnia and Herzegovina – JUFREX 2

Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings in Bosnia and Herzegovina 

Promotion of diversity and equality in BiH 

Quality education for all

Strengthening human rights treatment of detained persons based on European standards and best practices in Bosnia and Herzegovina


Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey I

Prison reform programme in BiH

Strengthening the Human Rights Ombudsman to fight discrimination

Strengthening the protection of national minorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina



Building democratic participation in the City of Mostar


Initiative for Legal Certainty and Efficient Judiciary in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Initiative for Legal Certainty and Efficient Judiciary in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Phase II

Initiative for Legal Certainty and Efficient Judiciary in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Phase III

Innovating democratic participation at local level in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Media and Information Literacy: for Human Rights and More Democracy Project (2020 – 2022) 

Promotion of human rights and protection of minorities in South-East Europe 

Raising BIH Institutional Capacity to Prevent and Combat Violence against Women and Domestic Violence 

Regional media project 

Regional support to inclusion 

Reinforcing Judicial Expertise on Freedom of Expression and the Media in South-East Europe (JUFREX) 

School of Political Studies

Support to penitentiary system towards sustainable rehabilitation of violent extremist prisoners in Bosnia and Herzegovina 

Supporting reintegration of violent and extremist prisoners in Bosnia and Herzegovina 

Structured sentence management for violent and extremist prisoners in Bosnia and Herzegovina 

Strengthening the role of women in BiH 

Strategic development of higher education 

Strengthening the capacities of the judiciary 

Support to more integral and inclusive electoral processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina 

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