Back Presentation of the Study on human Rights education at public faculties of law in Bosnia and Herzegovina

On 2 June 2021, an online presentation of the Study on human rights education at the law faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina took place.


The event brought together representatives of law faculties, ministries of education, Judicial and Prosecutorial Training Centres in BiH and the Agency for development of higher education and quality assurance of BiH.


Study provides an overview of the human rights syllabus, methodologies and shortcomings in human rights teaching at the law faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition, the Study provides ten key recommendations for improvement of the human rights curricula and teaching methodologies at the university level for the benefit of the new generations of legal professionals. Recommendations concern, among others, introduction of a compulsory human rights curriculum, systemic and functional approach to human rights in other courses, continuous advancement of teaching skills of professors and assistants as recommended by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, introduction of HELP courses and organisation of human rights legal clinics as a very useful interactive method of human rights teaching, as well as promotion of national and regional networks of students and academics.


The presentation and the Study were conducted within the project: “Initiative for Legal Certainty and Efficient Judiciary in Bosnia and Herzegovina- Phase II”, implemented by the Council of Europe and funded by the Kingdom of Norway.


Bosnia and Herzegovina 2 June 2021
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