Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture
What is the Reference Framework of Competences?
In a democratic, culturally diverse society, citizens need specific competences to exercise their rights and responsibilities effectively. The Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture, developed by the Council of Europe, defines these competences as a mix of values, attitudes, skills, and knowledge.
These competences help people: assess information and understand local and global issues, make informed choices in elections, collaborate to solve problems in diverse settings, engage in civic action and volunteering, resist propaganda and manipulation, stand against hate speech.
The framework also provides principles, descriptors, and guidance for educators to help citizens of all ages develop them.
The Council of Europe Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture was initiated by Andorra during its 2013 Chairmanship of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers.
This set of materials helps education systems equip young people with the skills needed to promote human rights, uphold democracy and the rule of law, engage as active citizens, participate in a culture of democracy, and live peacefully in diverse societies.
It is designed for education policy makers, particularly in ministries of education, and educators across all levels—pre-school, primary, secondary, vocational, higher, and adult education. The framework offers a structured approach to teaching, learning, and assessing competences for democratic culture.
Through their joint action "Quality Education for All," the Council of Europe and the European Union are actively supporting the development of a network of resource centres for democratic school culture.
Resource centres will independently promote the Reference Framework by mentoring schools, teachers, and other centres while fostering democratic education and human rights education.
Reference Framework
Volume 1: Context, concepts and model
Volume 2: Descriptors of competences for democratic culture
Volume 3: Guidance for implementation
Model of Competences
Competences for Democratic Culture Model
The Competences for Democratic Culture model outlines the skills individuals need to be effective democratic citizens. It includes 20 competences organised into values, attitudes, skills, and knowledge & critical understanding.
Values are core beliefs about desirable goals in a democracy. They motivate action and guide decisions as a democratic citizen.
Attitudes reflect a person’s mental orientation towards others, institutions, issues, or symbols. The selected attitudes are essential for a democratic culture.
Skills enable individuals to think and act in a structured, adaptable way to achieve specific goals. Eight key skill sets support democratic culture.
Knowledge & Critical Understanding combine a person's body of information with their ability to comprehend and appreciate meanings in the context of democratic processes and intercultural dialogue.
Valuing human dignity and human rights
This value is based on the general belief that every human being is of equal worth, has equal dignity, is entitled to equal respect, and is entitled to the same set of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and ought to be treated accordingly.
Valuing cultural diversity
This value is based on the general belief that other cultural affiliations, cultural variability and diversity, and pluralism of perspectives, views and practices ought to be positively regarded, appreciated and cherished.
Valuing democracy, justice, fairness, equality and the rule of law
This set of values is based on the general belief that societies ought to operate and be governed through democratic processes which respect the principles of justice, fairness, equality and the rule of law.
Openness to cultural otherness and to other beliefs, world views and practices
Attitude towards people who are perceived to have different cultural affiliations from oneself or towards beliefs, world views and practices which differ from one’s own. It involves sensitivity towards, curiosity about and willingness to engage with other people and other perspectives on the world.
Positive regard and esteem for someone or something based on the judgment that they have intrinsic importance, worth or value. Having respect for other people who are perceived to have different cultural affiliations or different beliefs, opinions or practices from one’s own is vital for effective intercultural dialogue and a culture of democracy.
Attitude towards a community or social group to which one belongs that is larger than one’s immediate circle of family and friends. It involves a sense of belonging to that community, an awareness of other people in the community, an awareness of the effects of one’s actions on those people, solidarity with other members of the community and a sense of civic duty towards the community.
Attitude towards one’s own actions. It involves being reflective about one’s actions, forming intentions about how to act in a morally appropriate way, conscientiously performing those actions and holding oneself accountable for the outcomes of those actions.
Attitude towards the self. It involves a positive belief in one’s own ability to undertake the actions that are required to achieve particular goals, and confidence that one can understand issues, select appropriate methods for accomplishing tasks, navigate obstacles successfully and make a difference in the world.
Tolerance of ambiguity
Attitude towards situations which are uncertain and subject to multiple conflicting interpretations. It involves evaluating these kinds of situations positively and dealing with them constructively.
Autonomous learning skills
Skills required to pursue, organise and evaluate one’s own learning in accordance with one’s own needs, in a selfdirected manner, without being prompted by others.
Analytical and critical thinking skills
Skills required to analyse, evaluate and make judgments about materials of any kind (e.g. texts, arguments, interpretations, issues, events, experiences, etc.) in a systematic and logical manner.
Skills of listening and observing
Skills of listening and observing are the skills required to notice and understand what is being said and how it is being said, and to notice and understand other people’s non-verbal behaviour.
Set of skills required to understand and relate to other people’s thoughts, beliefs and feelings, and to see the world from other people’s perspectives.
Flexibility and adaptability
Skills required to adjust and regulate one’s thoughts, feelings or behaviours so that one can respond effectively and appropriately to new contexts and situations.
Linguistic, communicative and plurilingual skills
Skills required to communicate effectively and appropriately with people who speak the same or another language, and to act as a mediator between speakers of different languages.
Co-operation skills
Skills required to participate successfully with others in shared activities, tasks and ventures and to encourage others to co-operate so that group goals may be achieved.
Conflict-resolution skills
Skills required to address, manage and resolve conflicts in a peaceful way by guiding conflicting parties towards optimal solutions that are acceptable to all parties.
Knowledge and critical understanding of the self
This includes knowledge and critical understanding of one’s own thoughts, beliefs, feelings and motivations, and of one’s own cultural affiliations and perspective on the world.
Knowledge and critical understanding of language and communication
This includes knowledge and critical understanding of the socially appropriate verbal and non-verbal communicative conventions that operate in the language(s) which one speaks, of the effects that different communication styles can have on other people, and of how every language expresses culturally shared meanings in a unique way.
Knowledge and critical understanding of the world
This includes a large and complex body of knowledge and critical understanding in a variety of areas including politics, law, human rights, culture, cultures, religions, history, media, economies, the environment and sustainability.