Back Conference of participants of the Register of Damage caused by the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine (COP5)

As delivered by Alain Berset, Secretary General of the Council of Europe


Chair of the Conference of Participants,

Chair of the Board of the Register of Damage,

Executive Director,

Chair of the Ministers’ Deputies,

President of the Parliamentary Assembly,

Secretary General of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities,


Ladies and gentlemen,


It is a great pleasure to join you today –

As you continue to make progress on an undertaking of the highest importance.

I have been clear that Ukraine will be the Council of Europe’s top priority during my mandate as Secretary General.

Central to this is ensuring the accountability that is needed for any just and sustainable peace –

Given the crimes that are being carried out by Russia in its war of aggression.

The Register of Damage is central to our Organisation’s approach –

And it has achieved a great deal in a very short time.

More than 10 000 claims have already been submitted for the damage or destruction of residential housing.

Many more will follow in this category and the range of others that will be opened after your approval today –

As individuals, businesses, the authorities and others take the opportunity to record the terrible wrongs that have been done.

I am heartened that the Register has attracted so many members in such a short time.

But I am equally clear about the value of going further still.

We want more financial contributions, more political support, and more parties to the Register –

Because the broader the reach, the stronger the message that justice will be done.

I made that case in meetings in New York during the UN General Assembly High-level Week and during the “Sommet de la Francophonie” in Villers-Cotterêts.

I will do the same in my meetings over the months and years ahead.

And I urge you all to do likewise.

The Register is of course the first step towards an international compensation mechanism.

And it is right that we already raise our eyes and look to the next necessary steps.

Key among these will be the creation of a Claims Commission.

This will bring reparations closer –

And further underline how the international community will ensure that the rule of law prevails.

I am pleased with the preparatory meetings for the Claims Commission.

And the Council of Europe stands ready to play a key role in its establishment, as we did for the Register of Damage.

This approach is grounded in our mandate and expertise and applies to every aspect of our support for Ukraine.

Dear colleagues,

Our language on these issues can sound rather technical, but our goals are highly political.

And we must never lose sight of why this work means so much.

The killings and torture and rape –

The wanton terror and destruction.

All of this calls for accountability so that there can be justice, peace and human dignity.

The Council of Europe is unwavering in its commitment to that –

And I thank all of you for your support now and moving forward.

Strasbourg 11 october 2024
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