Back Ukraine Recovery Conference Plenary

Distinguished Guests,


Since the beginning of Russia’s ongoing aggression –

The Council of Europe has stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Ukraine.

This includes doing what we can to ensure that –

When peace comes –

It is just and durable –

A firm foundation on which the country can rebuild –

With strong, democratic institutions –

A clear European perspective –

And a positive economic outlook.

For this, the Council of Europe’s Register of Damage is key.

Endorsed at our Summit of Heads of State and Government last month –

The Register will record loss and destruction on the ground –

A necessary first step towards any future compensation mechanism that will determine what is owed and should be paid for rebuilding the country.

The Parties will meet for their inaugural meeting next week –

And the Register team will soon begin its work, based in The Hague, with a presence in Kyiv.

Alongside this, we have a joint Action Plan on Resilience, Recovery and Reconstruction –

Agreed with the Ukrainian government –

And designed for implementation both now and when the violence ends.

It seeks to strengthen the rule of law by reinforcing institutions.

This includes changes to the Constitutional Court to bring it in line with European standards –

On matters such as the selection and appointment of judges –

Reform of the justice system, so that it is fully independent, respected and trusted –

And support for the Ukrainian authorities in their fight against economic crime, corruption and cybercrime.

There are also measures to reinforce democracy.

Policies that support good governance and public administration reform so that power is decentralized –

Accountability is ensured –

And public services are effective.

Ukraine must benefit from open government, free and fair elections, and healthy civic participation.

These are necessary to create a sound business environment.

The fact that the Ukrainian government has committed to meeting these standards –

That it is engaged even now –

And that more action is planned following the restoration of peace –

All of this holds the promise that on the other side of the aggression, Ukraine can be a stronger, more stable and more effective democracy.

Where today there is hurt, loss and destruction –

Tomorrow there can be peace, opportunity and prosperity.

Together, we can all make that happen.

London 21 June 2023
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