Back Ukrainian government and opposition agree on Secretary General Jagland's plan to oversee investigation into Kyiv clashes

Kyiv , 

The three main opposition parties in Ukraine and Prime Minister Azarov have accepted Secretary General Jagland's plan to establish an expert advisory panel to oversee the investigation into the violent incidents in Kyiv on 30 November and 1 December.

"The investigation and its results must be accepted by all concerned. Therefore, the expert advisory panel to oversee the investigation will consist of one member nominated by the opposition, one member nominated by the government, and one member from the international community.

Transparency and acceptance of this investigation will be the first step to rebuilding trust in Ukraine", Jagland said.

After talks with opposition parties and Prime Minister Azarov on Wednesday, Mr Jagland's plan was endorsed by opposition leaders Klitschko, Yatsenyuk and Tyahnybok on Thursday. Prime Minister Azarov agreed to the expert panel in a telephone conversation with Secretary General Jagland later the same day. Mr Jagland also met with Foreign Minister Kozhara and Justice Minister Lukash.

Press release