Committee of Ministers

 Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)5 on measures to combat discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity

Second report on the implementation of the Recommendation (2020)

First report on the implementation of the Recommendation (2013)

Third Thematic Report: Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health and Access to Healthcare for LGBTI People in Europe (2024)

Second Thematic Report: Hate Crimes and other Hate-motivated Incidents based on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics in Europe (2023)

First Thematic Report: Legal Gender Recognition in Europe (2022)

Other important adopted texts relating to SOGIESC:

Recommendation CM/Rec(2024)4 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on combating hate crime and Explanatory Memorandum 

Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)16 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on combating hate speech and Explanatory Memorandum

European Court of Human Rights

 European Convention on Human Rights

 Factsheet Sexual Orientation issues

 Factsheet Gender Identity

 Factsheet Homosexuality : criminal aspects

 Factsheet LGBTI persons’ rights

 Guide on the case-law of the European Convention on Human Rights - Human rights of LGBTI persons (2023)

 Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (Consolidated indicative work programme for 2024)

Parliamentary Assemby of the Coucil of Europe

Resolution 2418 (2022): Alleged violations of the rights of LGBTI people in the Southern Caucasus

Resolution 2417 (2022): Combating rising hate against LGBTI people in Europe

Resolution 2239 (2018): Private and family life: achieving equality regardless of sexual orientation

Resolution 2230 (2018): Persecution of LGBTI people in the Chechen Republic (Russian Federation)

Resolution 2191 (2017): Promoting the human rights of and eliminating discrimination against intersex people

Resolution no. 2097 (2016): Access to school and education for all children

Resolution 2048 (2015): Discrimination against transgender people in Europe 

Resolution 2021 (2013): Tackling discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity

Resolution 1728 (2010): Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity

Resolution 1474 (2000): Situation of lesbians and gays in Council of Europe Member States

Other important adopted texts relating to SOGIESC:

Resolution 2395 (2021): Strengthening the fight against so-called “honour” crimes (calls for a ban on "conversion therapy")

Resolution 2339 (2020): Upholding human rights in times of crisis and pandemics: gender, equality and non-discrimination

Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe

 Resolution 471 (2021): The role of local and regional authorities with regard to the situation of LGBTI people in Poland

Resolution 470 (2021): Protecting LGBTI people in the context of rising anti-LGBTI hate speech and discrimination: The role of local and regional authorities

 Resolution 380 (2015): Guaranteeing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people’s rights: a responsibility for Europe’s towns and regions

Resolution 230 (2007): Freedom of assembly and expression for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgendered persons

European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI)

General Policy Recommendation N°17 on preventing and combating intolerance and discrimination against LGBTI persons

Factsheet on LGBTI issues: LGBTI-related recommendations in ECRI’s fifth and sixth cycle country monitoring reports

Compilation of ECRI's 5th cycle recommendations on LGBT issues

ECRI's Country Monitoring 

European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission)

CDL-AD(2021)050: Opinion on the compatibility with international human rights standards of act LXXIX amending certain acts for the protection of children (2021) (Impact on the freedom to receive and impart information on subjects dealing with sexual orientation and gender identity and on other rights and freedoms of LGBTI people)

CDL-AD(2021)029: Opinion on the constitutional amendments adopted by the Hungarian Parliament in December 2020 (2021)

CDL-AD(2013)022: Opinion on the issue of the prohibition of so-called “propaganda of homosexuality” in the light of recent legislation in some member states of the Council of Europe (2013)

European Social Charter

European Social Charter (revised) and its reporting system

European Committee of Social Rights:

The Committee has stated that it “considers that under Article 1§2 legislation should
prohibit discrimination in employment at least on grounds of race, ethnic origin, religion,
disability, age, sexual orientation and political opinion”.

International Centre for the Legal Protection of Human Rights (INTERIGHTS) v. Croatia, complaint no. 45/2007, 30 March 2009; Transgender Europe and ILGA-Europe v. the Czech Republic, complaint no. 117/2015, 15 May 2018