Account 2009

 Some figures about the association Entraide-Solidarity

Supported projects

Furniture for a boarding school in Bolivia (follow-up)

[January 2009] In May 2008, the Association Entraide-Solidarity assisted the association Voix Libre to open a boarding school in Siporo, Bolvia.

- Report and results [fr]

3m3 of books for the Paola Palmieri library

[January 2009] Entraide-Solidarity Association thanks all colleagues who contributed to the collection of books for the Paola Palmieri library in Senegal. Thanks to you, about 1,500 books will be accessible to pupils of a secondary school in the village of Velingara, some 80km from Dakar.

- News ont collection of books

Woodwork project at Titicaca lake

[March 2009] The Entraide-Solidarity association follow-up its collaboration with the association "Voix Libres" for a new project in Bolivia: the building of a woodwork school to train and employ 75 young people and women from "La Paz" streets. This project is a concrete alternative to children working in the street and a real self-sufficient economy springboard for the poorest families. A project which allows young people on the fringes to find a real sense to their life, to transmit their knowledge and to take their turn as development actors.

For this project, the Entraide-Solidarity association commits itself to providing a set of tools for a amount of 2,340 Euros.

- Presentation of the project [fr]

A project in aid of the North-East Tuaregs of Mali

[March 2009] Since January 2007, the association "a hope for Gossi / Gao", in cooperation with some agencies, associations and private companies from East of France, developed the project Almalitane in the North-East of Mali. This project began by the drilling of a well, then the construction of a school, followed by the construction of teachers' accommodation and a school fence which allowed the development with the students of market gardening in the schoolyard and finally resulted, in end of 2008, with the setting up of a solar pump for the well and a 2000 litres water tank. The water is now distributed to the health centre, the school and local population of some 300 Tuaregs families based in Almalitane.

The Entraide-Solidarities association is joining this big chain of support for a sustainable development project by funding the training of a person in the maintenance of the sun pump.

- Presentation of the project [fr]

Assistance to young women in difficulties

[March 2009] In Kaya, a town in the North-East of Ouagadougou (Furkina Faso) the association "Charité Ste Véronique" has built up a project to help young women who try to escape misery and forced mariage. Presently, 42 young women are in a residence where they are following professional training.

The Entraide-Solidarity association decided to assume the cost of this professional training, that is to say, the wage of the dressmaker teacher (1,300 Euros) and the inscription costs (450 Euros). The association will also grant the purchase of the water pump for the garden of the residence (450 Euros).

- Presentation of the project [fr]

Support to three penniless families in Botswana

[March 2009] The Entraide-Solidarity association decided to contribute to a project of the Mayana Mpora Foundation in Aachen (Germany).

The sums granted will help 3 families during 1 year. The money is distributed as follows: 200 euros will provide 300 kg cornflour to a family and enable the children to attend school. 189 euros will feed a 57 year old mother and her 13 children (from 1 to 23 years old). Finally, 102 euros are given to a grandmother and her 4 grand-children to provide them with flour and school uniforms.

The "Paola Palmieri" Library

[April 2009] On 2 March last, the "Paola Palmieri" Library was inaugurated at the Saly-Velingara College, Senegale, approximately 350 students attend the College.

The opening ceremony was attended by a good audience, there was dancing, gymnastics demonstrations and singing. The local authorities, teacher's representatives and students gave speeches. Our colleague, Giovanni Palmieri, took the floor on behalf of the contributors from the Council of Europe thanking them for their generous gifts of a large number of good quality books. The Library is not only made up of books but includes PCs with Internet online, and also some sewing machines and a small garden. It will allow the students to get together during their quiet periods, both for work and play. Thus the Library fills a real need and contributes fully to the users' and the school authorities' expectations.

Abandoned children in Bulgaria (follow-up)

[July 2009] In May 2008, the Entraide-Solidarity association assisted the "Bonne Mine" Association to set up a structured framework for young orphans.

Results [fr]

Surgery for a little girl in Guinea

[August 2009] The Entraide-Solidarity Association has contributed 1 500 euros to help a little girl with eye cancer.

Three years ago, doctors diagnosed a retinoblastoma in the right eye of a seven year old Guinean girl. To fight the cancer, the little girl needs to undergo chemotherapy, an eye operation and radiotherapy. The girl's parents had launched an appeal for financial help on local radio stations to collect the necessary funds. Unfortunately, the collection was insufficient and the "Guinée-Solidarité Conakry" association turned to our association for help by contacting the Vice-Chairperson of "Guinée-Solidarité Strasbourg", who is a translator at the Council of Europe. The little girl will be able to receive the necessary care in the Cancer Unit of the hospital of Conakry, where the family lives.

A helping hand

[December 2009] A woman from Strasbourg, part-time secretary and mother to 2 children, ended up in debt after her partner left her. These financial debts led to a power cut. To avoid the Banque de France examining her case, she has decided to follow collective information meetings about debt burden and has accepted the implementation of a budgetary support.

The Entraide-Solidarity association agreed to help the mother to solve her debts with a contribution of €115, which will allow her to switch on the electricity again.

Help for a family in difficulty

[December 2009] A family in financial difficulty based in Strasbourg has taken many steps to try to stabilize its budget. In order to obtain an auditing plan and to pay off a gas bill debt, the Entraide-Solidarity association has given an exceptional financial help of €200.

Compagnon du Devoir

[December 2009] In 2007, a young woman from the South West of France joined the association "Les Compagnons du Devoir". As a member of this association, she would be able to train as an upholsterer and would be able to later become a Compagnon du Devoir. But due to her irregular income, the young woman ran up debts on her rent. If the young woman is not in a position to pay off her debts, she will have to leave the association and abandon her professional plans.

To help this young woman, the Entraide-Solidarity association has given the amount of €800.