Back ECRI publishes three new migration-related factsheets, including on integration and inclusion of migrants

ECRI  publishes three new migration-related factsheets, including on integration and inclusion of migrants

Factsheet on the Integration and Inclusion of Migrants

On 13 March 2024, the Secretariat of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) released a factsheet emphasising the importance of integrating and including migrants within the Council of Europe member states. ECRI highlights the need for governments not only to address discrimination against migrants but also to promote actively their integration and inclusion within society. This includes developing comprehensive national strategies and action plans in consultation with stakeholders, facilitating access to information and support services, and ensuring recognition of foreign qualifications. ECRI's recommendations aim to empower migrants to participate in public life.

Furthermore, ECRI stresses the importance of balanced narratives around migration, placing a particular emphasis on the opportunities migrants bring, particularly in times of crisis. By strengthening partnerships with civil society organizations and fostering inclusive policies, member states may embrace the richness of cultural diversity and build stronger, more resilient societies. The factsheet reflects ECRI's key recommendations contained in country reports adopted in the context of the fifth and sixth monitoring cycles from January 2012 to March 2024.

Factsheet on racism and discrimination against Black persons

On March 20, 2023, the Secretariat of ECRI issued a factsheet highlighting major recommendations concerning racism and discrimination against Black persons and people of African descent in Europe. Drawing upon 30 years of country monitoring reports, ECRI addresses the persistent challenges faced by these communities, ranging from hate speech and violence to inequalities in representation and racial profiling by law enforcement officials. This factsheet serves as a tool to guide member states in combating racism and discrimination against Black persons and people of African descent, aligning with the International Decade for People of African Descent (2015 – 2024) proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in December 2014.

Factsheet on preventing and combating racism and intolerance in and through education

On March 27, 2024, the Secretariat of ECRI released a factsheet detailing recommendations to prevent and combat racism and intolerance in and through education. Acknowledging education both as a solution and a potential breeding ground for these challenges, ECRI emphasizes the critical role of human rights education based on principles of equality, non-discrimination, and diversity. It stresses the necessity of promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion within schools, combating segregation, addressing bullying, and ensuring fair treatment regarding religious attire. This comprehensive resource aims to guide member states in developing and implementing measures to promote inclusive and tolerant educational environments, aligning with ECRI's broader efforts to combat racism and intolerance.

ECRI Strasbourg 15 April 2024
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