Back SRSG on Migration and Refugees publishes report on his mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Photo IOM: The Special Representative of the Secretary General on Migration and Refugees, Ambassador Drahoslav Štefánek, visiting Miral Temporary Reception Centre in Miral together with IOM Chief of Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina and IOM Coordinator in the Western Balkans, Laura Lungarotti

Photo IOM: The Special Representative of the Secretary General on Migration and Refugees, Ambassador Drahoslav Štefánek, visiting Miral Temporary Reception Centre in Miral together with IOM Chief of Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina and IOM Coordinator in the Western Balkans, Laura Lungarotti

The Special Representative of the Secretary General on Migration and Refugees, Ambassador Drahoslav Štefánek is today publishing a report on his fact-finding mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The aim of the mission was to provide a picture of the current situation of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in Bosnia and Herzegovina with a focus on vulnerable persons, including families with children, unaccompanied and separated children and women. The report is focusing on aspects having a significant impact on the respect for human rights of migrants and refugees, namely: reception conditions, the treatment of vulnerable categories, and access to asylum.

Among the findings, the Special Representative is recommending supporting the authorities to develop and implement a national policy capable of structuring and co-ordinating the country’s institutional response to migratory phenomena, in compliance with international obligations. He is also recommending enhancing the provision of necessary services, including accommodation, food supply and support in COVID-19 prevention, adapted accommodation for unaccompanied and separated children, and response measures among the migrants and asylum seekers – in particular in Una-Sana canton – through financial support by the Council of Europe’s Development Bank, sought by the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“At the time of my visit, the conditions in Lipa emergency military tent camp were harsh and dire, in addition to the heavy snowfall. The camp hosted around 1,000 single males, who were living in large military tents heated by air cannons, operated by electricity generators. However, the basic needs of residents were secured. The authorities did their best in the dramatic circumstances and luckily no casualties, nor serious health harm cases were recorded. To prevent the repetition of this winter’s crisis, the establishment of a solid foundation for a sustainable solution in the Bihac area is essential”, said the Special Representative Drahoslav Štefánek.

During the mission, Bosnia and Herzegovina was confronted with around 9,000 ‒ 10,000 migrants present at times in the country, mostly concentrated in the north-western part close to the border with Croatia. According to the IOM, some 4,000 ‒ 5,300 migrants were estimated to be living rough, intending to move on into the EU. At the same time, the official capacity for accommodation in Bosnia and Herzegovina had been reduced after the closure of the Bira temporary reception centre and Lipa Emergency Camp, additional accommodation was provided in the reception centres of Miral and Blažuj for more than 1,000 and 3,000 additional persons respectively. These centres were already overcrowded and the protection and health risks of migrants and asylum-seekers residing in these centres were aggravated by high occupancy rates, particularly considering the COVID-19 pandemic.

This report reflects on information gathered during the mission from 24 to 30 January 2021 and in the following weeks. The Special Representative visited reception facilities Miral, Sedra, Borici, Emergency Tent Camp Lipa in Una-Sana Canton, as well as Ušivak Temporary Reception Centre in the canton of Sarajevo. He had meetings with representatives of local, cantonal and national authorities and representatives from relevant international organisations and NGOs in both Bihac and Sarajevo. The report builds on the main conclusions and recommendations formulated in the report drafted by the former SRSG on Migration and Refugees, which was published in April 2019.



Special Representative on Migration and Refugees Strasbourg 7 July 2021
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