Back Global Compacts, visit to Russia, Call for tenders and publication of expert Opinion on Montenegro

Global Compacts, visit to Russia, Call for tenders and publication of expert Opinion on Montenegro

On 30 May 2018, the Special Representative of the Secretary General on migration and refugees (SRSG) published a new web page on the Global Compacts, under his thematic work. He has followed developments related to both the Global Compact on Refugees and the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration closely and participated in the 2017 consultation phase orally and in writing. Negotiations on the texts began in 2018 with the publication of drafts of both Compacts. The Special Representative has submitted written comments on the Global Compact for Migration and is currently working on a written submission on the Global Compact on Refugees. The page includes his written contributions and comments.

On 31 May 2018, the Special Representative published an expert Opinion on the new law on foreigners that recently entered into force in Montenegro. The Council of Europe had been asked by the Minister of Interior of Montenegro to provide an opinion on the compliance of the draft law with its values and standards, particularly in the field of migration. The law was introduced to Parliament after being modified in the light the Opinion. The modified text among others requires authorities to assess the implications of an expulsion decision on the private and family life of the individual concerned, as required by Article 8 of the Convention. It also includes a requirement to consider the best interests of the child in any decision concerning an unaccompanied child’s removal. A particularly welcome amendment of the text concerns the introduction of a requirement to assess whether alternatives to detention should be applied before any decision to detain a person for migration purposes is taken.

On 29 May 2018, in Moscow, Russia, the Special Representative was among the main speakers at the international round table on "Regulation of migration processes in Eurasia", taking place at the People´s Friendship University of Russia. The aim of the event was to discuss and develop mechanisms for theoretical and applied studies of urgent problems in the field of migration processes taking into account the experience of member states participants.

The Council of Europe has launched a restricted consultation procedure for up to five experts to draft a handbook on standards and good practices to restore family links and reunify families. The handbook is expected to summarize in a practical way the legal standards applicable to family reunification, as well as to provide good examples of practices on restoring family links and reunifying families. Please see the Call for Expression of Interest and the Terms of Reference for more information. To submit your application, please send the completed Act of Engagement together with supporting documents to the following address: Deadline: midnight (French time) on 30 June 2018.

 Call for Expression of Interest

 Terms of Reference

 Act of Engagement

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