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Agreement reached on draft Recommendation on the human rights of migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women and girls

On 1 October 2021, the draft Recommendation on the human rights of migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women and girls was agreed upon by the Council of Europe Drafting committee on migrant women (GEC-MIG). Representatives of 22 member states, 2 observer states, 4 observers and 8 sectors of the Council of Europe, discussed thoroughly the Compromise document prepared by the Chair and the Secretariat. The text addresses issues of non-discrimination access to justice and intersectionality, protection and support, reception, asylum, residence and integration, and returns. The text of the draft Recommendation as agreed upon by GEC-MIG will be forwarded to the Gender Equality Commission for discussion and adoption at its November 2021 plenary meeting. GEC-MIG, a subordinate body to the Gender Equality Commission (GEC), had been tasked by the Committee of Ministers to draft a Recommendation on migrant and refugee women and girls. The meeting was held in person in Strasbourg and via videoconference on 30 September and 1 October 2021.

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