Intégration par le sport

Global action accessible to newly-arrived migrants


Name of the project owner: Union Régionale Sportive Léo Lagrange

Status of the project owner:  National NGO

Area of work of the project owner: Sport / Migration / Youth / Social integration / Health / Gender equality 





Geographic scope of project: Local

Project objective: Educate and transmit values through sport / Develop intercultural relations and/or intercultural competency / Develop competences for active citizenship / Promote social diversity / Practice a physical activity for physical/mental health / Promote access to volunteering in sport / Develop languages skills

Types of sport or physical activity carried out: different types of sport (boxing, cricket, football, group walking, bodywork, biking, running), depending on the participants and the coaches

Partnership / supports: Grants (from the Union régionale sportive Léo Lagrange)

Project duration: 1 year, renewable (start: 1.1.2016 / end: 31.12.2018)

Project status: Underway

Supervising staff: Professionals and volunteers

Summary of the project: The project, led by the Léo Lagrange Sport Regional Union from the Rhône Alpes – Auvergne region, is designed for people who have little opportunity to practice sport. The aim of the project is to develop participation in sport activities among asylum-seekers, and doing so, to instil sport and Republican values in these people. The project is also using sport as a bridge into French society as it enables to learn the language in a playful way, to meet local population through participation in sport activities in local clubs or in local sports events, etc.). The project also aims at encouraging good practices in terms of security, health and nutrition. To reach its objectives, the project has developed a strong partnership with the Welcome and Orientation Centre (Centre d'Accueil et d'Orientation, CAO) in Saint-Beauzire. In a practical way this includes sports equipment loans, financial support for sports projects and a technical and logistical assistance. One of the keynote activities of the project was the visit to the Welcome and Orientation Centre by Mahyar Monshipour, Boxing World Champion, who offered a privileged moment to migrants, given his origins and his career. This initiative was designed to create an opportunity of exchange and interaction around boxing. Other champions have come since and shared their experiences with the migrants. 

More information on boxing in Saint-Beauzire

More information on the values and the mission of the Leo Lagrange Sport Regional Union


Country of origin: many, including Sudan, Afghanistan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Iran and Lybia

Type of migration: Refugee and asylum-seeker

Target beneficiary: Families / Children / Men only / Women only

Target age group: 5 - 30

Contact form to project owner