LCFA Refugee traineeship programme

Action accessible to all including newly-arrived migrants


Name of the project owner: Liverpool Football Association
Status of the project owner:  Local association
Area of work of the project owner: Sport

Website to the project owner


United Kingdom
Geographic scope of project: Local
Project objectives: Accede to skills for labour market/employment / Promote social diversity / Develop language skills / Practice a physical activity for physical/mental health
Type of sport or physical activity carried out: Football
Partnership / supports: Grants / Human resources
Project duration: 1 year (start: 1.5.2018 - end: 30.4.2019)
Project status (January 2018): Planned project
Supervising staff: Professionals / Volunteers
Summary of the project: LCFA Refugee Traineeship Programme would be a 12 week Football/education programme (including volunteer hours) We would be recruiting Refugees from the age of 16 + With a maximum of 18 in a class, 4 courses run over a 12 month pilot period The basics for the LCFA Traineeship programme would be that the learners would by the end of the 12 weeks programme would have gained qualifications in the Fields below: F.A level 1 football coaching F.A Level 1 Basic referee Qualification F.A Emergency first aid qualification F.A Safeguarding Certificate F.A Futsal Level 1 Volunteering Certificate (bronze, silver, gold level, depending on amount of hours accrued) English (Esol classes) and maths lessons up to a specific standard to receive accreditation Full Nike LCFA Training tracksuit and Tee-shirt Working in partnerships with local refugee organizations, local churches, grass roots Football communities, football clubs Access to the F.A Licencensed Coaches Club 2 hourly football sessions per week (fits in with the 30 minutes activity required, to fit in with the criteria). Attend 2 x 1 hour weekly football sessions coached by qualified FA staff Full CRC check that would enable them to work with Children Learners must complete so many voluntary hours with grass roots clubs, (which we have all the links to at the F.A) help volunteer on match days, coach on week day nights with clubs that need help with new coaches, this would help the Refugees integrate with everyday people and give them confidence, and also a sense of belonging and be part of the community. Each learner would receive a tracksuit/tee-shirt to make them feel special and be a part of a team that they would get to keep Presentation day to celebrate their sense of achievement and award certificate.


Country of origin: Not specified
Type of migration: Refugee
Target beneficiary: Men only
Target age group: 11-20 / 21-30 / 31-60 / 60+

Contact form to project owner