Back #SportSpreadsRespect Workshop: Building strategies to combat hate speech in sport

@George Mavrotas

@George Mavrotas

The Combating Hate Speech in Sport project held its 4th workshop: "Building strategies to combat hate speech in sport", on 11-13 April 2023, hosted by the Centro di Preparazione Olimpica Acqua Acetosa Giulio Onesti in Rome, Italy.

Organised thanks to the efforts of the hosts Stefania Pizzolla, Service Coordinator at the Sport Department of the Ministry of Sport and Youth, and Antonio Parrilla, project National Coordinator and Security Expert at the Department for Sport - International Affairs, Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the workshop included interventions from representatives such as Paolo Pizzo, member of the Executive Board of the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), Boris Iovanovic, Advisor in the International Cooperation Department at the Ministry of Youth and Sport of Montenegro, Wolfram Bechtel, Secretary of the Steering Committee on Anti-Discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion (CDADI) and Gabriela Matei, Senior Project Officer at the Sport Division from the Council of Europe, the national coordinators from the project partner countries, Asia Petrucci, former football referee and international experts Bàlint Jósa, Laszlo Foldi and Rosario Coco.

Participants shared opportunities and challenges in the fight against hate speech in sport and engaged in strategic planning for the development of effective policies for the prevention, mitigation, coordination, control, legal consequences and rehabilitation of victims of hate speech in sport. The conclusions reached will inform the approach and design of the #SportSpreadsRespect campaigns.

The "Combating Hate Speech in Sport" joint project is co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Combating Hate Speech in Sport Rome, Italy 11-13 April 2023
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