Recommendations on Anti-Doping

Recommendations of the Committee of Ministers

Recommendation on general principles of fair procedure applicable to anti-doping proceedings in sport Rec(2022)14 and Explanatory Memorandum.

Recommendation on common core principles to be introduced into national legislation to combat the traffic in doping agents. Rec (2000)16

Recommendation on the Institution of Doping Controls without Warning outside Competitions. Rec (88) 12

European Anti-Doping Charter for Sport (1984)

Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on the "European Anti-Doping Charter for Sport". Rec (84) 19

Recommendation concerning Doping in Sport. Rec (79) 8

Recommendations of the Monitoring Group

Anti-doping measures targeting fitness and gym centres: a mapping of practices in the State Parties of the Anti-Doping Convention (report)

Recommendation on the protection of whistleblowers in the context of the fight against doping  ENG RU

Recommendation on the operational independence of National Anti-Doping Organisations. T-DO/Rec(2018)01

 Recommendation on ensuring the independence of hearing panels (bodies) and promoting fair trial in anti-doping cases. T-DO/Rec(2017)01

Recommendation of the Monitoring Group on Anti-Doping Education Guidelines for Tertiary Education Institutions. Rec (2016) 2

Recommendation of the Monitoring Group on Information Sharing between Public Agencies and Anti-Doping Organisations in the Fight against Doping. Rec (2016) 1

Recommendation of the Monitoring Group on the use of the model guidelines for core information/education programmes to prevent doping in sport. Rec (2011) 1

Recommendation on blood sampling for doping medical controls. Rec (98) 3

Recommendation on basic principles for disciplinary phases of doping control. Rec (98) 2

Recommendation on standard operating procedures at doping control laboratories [procedures for non-analytical phases]. Rec (98) 1

Recommendation on disciplinary measures to be taken with regard to members of the athlete's entourage in application of Article 7.2.e of the Convention. Rec (96) 1

Recommendation of the Monitoring Group of the Anti-Doping Convention to Parties, on Standard Urine Sampling Procedures for Doping Control in and out of Competition. Rec (95) 1

Recommendation of the Monitoring Group of the Anti-Doping Convention to Parties, on Measures to restrict the availability of Anabolic Steroids and its Explanatory Memorandum.

Resolutions on Anti-Doping

Resolutions of the 14th Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Sport. 2016

Resolutions of the 13th Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Sport. 2014

Resolution of the European Ministers in charge of Sport on the fight against doping. 2000/1

Resolution of the Monitoring Group on the approval of a new reference list of prohibited pharmacological classes of doping agents and doping methods. 97/1

Resolution of the European Ministers in charge of Sport on Doping in sport and the draft Anti-doping Convention. 89/1

Resolution of the European Ministers in charge of Sport on Doping in Sport. 86/4

Resolution of the European Ministers in charge of Sport on Ethical and Human Problems in Sport. 78/3

Resolution of the Committee of Ministers on the Doping of Athletes. 67/12