
 Full text of the European Convention on Spectator Violence and Misbehaviour at Sports Events and in Particular at Football Matches (CETS No. 120)

Recommendations on Spectator violence

Recommendation of the Standing Committee 

 Recommendation on Safety, Security and Service at Football Matches and other Sports Events Rec (2015) 1, revised in 2019
 Annex A - Safety
 Annex B - Security
 Annex C - Service
 Annex D - Checklists

This Recommendation Rec (2015) 1 of the Standing Committee on Safety, Security and Service at Football Matches and other Sports Events cancels and replaces all recommendations, resolutions and statements adopted by the Standing Committee since its establishment. iIt was updated in 2019 and adopted again by the Standing Committee in 2020.

Recommendations of the Committee of Ministers

 Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers on the prevention of racism, xenophobia and racial intolerance in sport Rec (2001)6

 Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on the Reduction of Spectator Violence at Sporting Events and in particular at Football Matches R. (84)8

Recommendations of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerence (ECRI)

 ECRI general policy - Recommendation no.12 on combating racism and racial discrimination in the field of sport CRI (2009)5

Recommendations of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities

 Recommendation 144 (2004) of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities on the prevention of violence in sport, in particular at football matches: the role of local and regional authorities.

Recommendations from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)

 Recommendation of the Parliamentary Assembly on Football hooliganism REC 1434 (1999)