© 2022 / IOC / EVANS, Jason

7 March 2025, 9.30am - 12.00 noon 

Hybrid format (online / Strasbourg, Palais de l’Europe, meeting room no. 7)

Organised by the Council of Europe's Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) on the occasion of International Women’s Day


Women’s health and sport: setting out the issues

An athlete’s perspective on women’s health

The health benefits of sport for women throughout the different times in their lives

First panel discussion on: lived experience and how to overcome health issues

Moderated by Liliane Trevisan, Sports journalist and author

Second panel discussion on: raising awareness of women’s health in sport and how to improve the situation at pan-European level

Moderated by Francine Hetherington Raveney, Deputy Executive Secretary of EPAS, Council of Europe

Closing words

Disclaimer: Each speaker has provided their own picture and short biography which are published above.