Ad hoc European Committee for the World Anti-Doping Agency (CAHAMA)
The Ad Hoc European Committee for the World Anti-Doping Agency (CAHAMA) is a committee of experts responsible for coordinating the positions of the States Parties to the European Cultural Convention (CETS no 018) on issues relating to anti-doping policy development.
What do we do?
CAHAMA’s mission is to:
- examine the issues concerning relations between the Council of Europe, its Member States and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), and to decide on a common position, when possible, on these issues;
- draw up, if necessary, opinions for the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on these issues, including the budgetary elements;
- periodically revise the mandate of members of the WADA Foundation Board appointed by the Council of Europe.
Who are we?
CAHAMA is made up exclusively of States parties to the European Cultural Convention. Each State nominates its delegate, who can be a high official from a national ministry or the national anti-doping authority. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the European Commission can be represented at CAHAMA meetings, the latter being as an observer. The representatives of the Europe region on the Foundation Board and in the Executive Committee of WADA are also invited to the meetings of the CAHAMA.
The Chair and Vice-Chair are elected by a majority of the votes cast for a one-year term. Their mandate can be renewed once.
How do we do it?
CAHAMA meetings are held three times times per year prior to the WADA Foundation Board and Executive Committee meetings every May, September and November. Each State Partie has one vote.
CAHAMA Terms of Reference (2024-2027)
Circular letters awaiting a reply
- None
Completed circular letters
- CAHAMA CL/LC 2024-33 WADA documents available & request to submit questions to WADA regarding the items on the Executive Committee and Foundation Board meeting agendas on 4 and 5 December 2024
- CAHAMA CL/LC 2024-32 Adopted position on the T-DO proposals for the WADP update: Stakeholder Consultation Phase of 2027 World Anti-Doping Code and International Standards Update Process
- CAHAMA CL/LC 2024-31 Convocation to the 66th meeting of the Ad Hoc European Committee for the World Anti-Doping Agency (CAHAMA
- CAHAMA CL/LC 2024-30 CAHAMA positions on the T-DO proposals for the WADP update: Stakeholder Consultation Phase of 2027 World Anti-Doping Code and International Standards Update Process: phase 2
- CAHAMA CL 2024-29 WADA stakeholder consultation process regarding proposed additions to the World Anti-Doping Code and input from delegations on suggested priorities for the new WADA Executive Committee Working Group
- CAHAMA CL 2024-28 Final mandate for the European Representative to the WADA Executive Committee meeting, 12 September 2024, Belek, (Türkiye).
- CAHAMA CL 2024-27 Draft mandate for the European Representative to the WADA Executive Committee meeting, 12 September 2024, Belek, (Türkiye).
- CAHAMA CL 2024-26 Executive Committee documents available & request to submit questions to WADA regarding the items on the agenda of WADA Executive Committee meeting, 12 September 2024.
- CAHAMA CL 2024-25 WADA Risk and Audit Committee seat for an Executive Committee Member.
- CAHAMA CL 2024-24 Candidates to the Executive Committee and Foundation Board of the World Anti-doping Agency (WADA) for 2025-2027.
- CAHAMA CL 2024-23 WADA Signatory Expert Group: Public Authority Member Appointment.
- CAHAMA CL 2024-22 For information: WADA ExCo Extraordinary meeting of 9 July 2024.
- CAHAMA CL 2024-21 For information: WADA ExCo Extraordinary meeting of 9 July 2024 to present the interim report of Mr Cottier & letter from WADA President to ExCo and Foundation Board members
- CAHAMA CL 2024-20 Angola Compliance & Signatory Expert Group Chair Reappointment.
- CAHAMA CL 2024-19 Convocation to the 65th meeting of the Ad Hoc European Committee for the World Anti-Doping Agency (CAHAMA).
- CAHAMA CL 2024-18 WADA Foundation Board Circulatory Vote - Five Decision Items.
- CAHAMA CL 2024-17 2023 Year-End Accounts and Executive Committee meeting minutes.
- CAHAMA CL 2024-16 Tunisia NADO: reinstatement.
- CAHAMA CL 2024-15 CAHAMA Extraordinary WADA Foundation Board, 17 May 2024 and additional WADA/OneVoice documents.
- CAHAMA CL 2024-14 WADA Questions-and-Answers concerning Chinese contamination case in swimming.
- CAHAMA CL 2024-13 Extraordinary meeting (64th) of CAHAMA to discuss the follow-up to the contamination case of 23 swimmers from China.
- CAHAMA CL 2024-12 Follow up concerning Chinese contamination case in swimming.
- CAHAMA CL 2024-11 WADA Foundation Board Circulatory Votes: April/May 2024.
- CAHAMA CL 2024-10 WADA Statements/Media Conference concerning Chinese Swimmers.
- CAHAMA CL 2024-09 Cambodia NADO: reinstatement.
- CAHAMA CL 2024-08 Exchange of correspondence between WADA & CAHAMA (for information).
- CAHAMA CL 2024-07 Call for candidates to the Executive Committee and Foundation Board of the World Anti-doping Agency (WADA) for 2025-2027.
- CAHAMA CL 2024-06 Final mandate for the European Representative in the WADA Executive Committee meeting, 11 March 2024, Lausanne (Switzerland) & latest WADA documents (CET).
- CAHAMA CL 2024-05 Draft mandate for the European Representative in the WADA Executive Committee meeting, 11 March 2024, Lausanne (Switzerland).
- CAHAMA CL 2024-04 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea NADO: reinstatement.
- CAHAMA CL 2024-03 Convocation to the 63rd meeting of the Ad Hoc European Committee for the World Anti-Doping Agency (CAHAMA).
- CAHAMA CL 2024-02 Composition WADA Executive Committee – Oceania.
- CAHAMA CL 2024-01 Olympic Council of Asia (OCA)– reinstatement.
67th CAHAMA meeting: 13 March 2025, Hybrid: Strasbourg, France and online
- 13 March 2025: 9.00-12.30 and 14.00 - 18.00