Discover resource material on intersex and transgender athletes, including interviews, medical research papers as well as background initiatives on diversity in sport from the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport.

promoting diversity in sport

Since EPAS was set up in 2007, one of its major priorities has been the promotion of diversity in and through sport and its mission to reverse the discriminatory trends currently observed in sport and promote sport as a means of fostering diversity and social cohesion. 
Find out more about our work to promote diversity in sport below. 

LGBT inclusion in Sport (2016)

This handbook of good practices is an illustration of current policies and practices throughout Europe. Its aim is to disseminate and share positive experiences highlighting the potential of sport for promoting the Council of Europe’s fundamental values of human rights.


Participation of Francine Raveney and Sophie Kwasny from EPAS in the Conference on Transgender and Intersex Athletes organised by the Government of Andorra on 13, 14 and 15 December 2022.

 More info on the Conference



Please see below two statements from the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES), the professional body for sport and exercise science in the UK, produced in summer 2021. The BASES website offers access to a range of online resources providing advice, guidance, research and debate covering a wide range of contemporary sport and exercise science topics.

 BASES website



Photo credit: BASES website


 Imagining fair sport that doesn’t harm people, The Sports Integrity Initiative


Payoshni Mitra, activiste spécialisée dans le droit des athlètes, travaille sur les questions de genre dans le sport et a témoigné au procès de Caster Semenya et de Dutee Chand.

Dr Payoshni Mitra and France TV (December 2020)

 "Le CIO doit promouvoir l'inclusion et la non-discrimination dans le sport", estime Payoshni Mitra, activiste spécialisée dans le droit des athlètes. [available only in French]





Source: Payoshni Mitra, France TV




For more information please send us an email at sport.epas[at]

Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport