Project overview

The Council of Europe has been striving to create change, which helps countries develop concrete solutions to the challenges sport faces, such as the growing threat of the manipulation of sports results. Competition manipulation represents major challenges not only to the rule of law and democratic values that the Council of Europe safeguards, but also to the integrity of sport, undermining the confidence of society in sport organisations and major tournaments. That is why, the Council of Europe in recent years has invested in actions assisting countries to change their policy, legislation, and practices for fair and safe sport, in line with Council of Europe standards, such as the Convention on the manipulation of sports competitions (Macolin Convention).

The Keep Crime Out of Sport+ project (KCOOS+) was the operational arm of the Macolin Convention. The project was running for 4 years from January 2018 to December 2021, providing multiple avenues of support to 48 countries from 5 continents. Through various activities, the project assisted public and private stakeholders from across the world, namely public authorities (those responsible for sport, for the regulation of betting, law enforcement and prosecution) and private entities (sport and betting actors). These activities included in particular 8 technical and legal assistance exercises, 7 seminars and webinars, 4 awareness-raising activities and 3 study visits. As a consequence of these activities, the impact of the project can be summarised along two main aspects, namely the promotion and the implementation of the Macolin Convention.

The contributions from Australia, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Norway, and Switzerland, together with the European and World Lotteries associations, have entirely financed the project. Partnerships with the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (EUROPOL), the International Federation of Football Association (FIFA), the Global Lottery Monitoring System (GLMS), the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) enriched the potentialities of activities implemented.

The KCOOS+ project has considerably influenced the development of policies and the governance of the fight against competition manipulation in participating countries and created a solid basis for transnational co-operation. The project contributed to the entry into force of the Macolin Convention and helped address challenges related to the manipulation of sports competition. Thanks to the entry into force of the Convention and international co-operation within the framework of KCOOS+, the environment of the fight against sports manipulation has known a very positive and fast evolution.

Although the project has brough change, the challenges identified at the beginning of the project remain current, namely, to facilitate better understanding and awareness about the phenomena of competition manipulation as well as to provide systematic and sustainable support that help main stakeholders set up efficient structures and procedures for the co-ordination of the fight against competition manipulation at national and international levels. For it, the Council of Europe must continue to strengthen its network of countries, partners, and experts to sustain the project’s successful mechanisms.

The project’s legacy lies in the commitment to make sure that countries receive targeted assistance that facilitates better understanding, increased competence, and co-operation among stakeholders for tailored solutions addressing the manipulation of sports competition. This legacy, with the values that the Council of Europe upholds in the field of the promotion and protection of human rights and good governance in sport, remains indispensable for the countries engaging in a long-term fight against competition manipulation.

Project outcomes and outputs