30 November 2022

Hybrid format (Strasbourg and online)

Organised by the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) of the Council of Europe


The topic of human rights in and through sport has been at the centre of the last three Council of Europe Conferences of Ministers responsible for Sport in 2018, 2020-21 and 2022.

The 16th Conference of Ministers responsible for Sport in 2021 adopted a Resolution on human rights in sport, inviting EPAS to:

  • make the protection of human rights a priority, stimulate and regularly review and report progress in this field;
  • hold regular exchanges with relevant Council of Europe intergovernmental and monitoring bodies to share information on human rights in sport.


The First edition of the Forum on Sport and Human Rights provided an overview in the following areas:

  • Fair Trial
  • Data protection
  • Media freedom in sport
  • Young migrant athletes and human trafficking
  • Economic and social rights of athletes, with focus on the right to health
  • Racism, hate speech and other types of discrimination in sport
  • Gender equality in sport

The Second edition of the Forum on Sport and Human Rights will focus specifically on issues pertaining to freedom of expression, as laid down in article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights. It will revolve around four subject areas:

  • Freedom of expression of athletes
  • Freedom of the press
  • Gender equality and the media
  • Combating hate speech in sport.


The Forum will consist of a one-day event with four thematic sessions followed by breakout workshops during which participants will be able to discuss the issues in more detail.

Active participation and interaction will be encouraged via questions and answers sessions and the interactive workshops.


  • EPAS Governing Board members
  • EPAS Consultative Committee members
  • Representatives from Council of Europe’s bodies
  • Representatives from sport organisations not members of the Consultative Committee.

Participation is by invitation only, however members of the public are invited to watch the morning sessions (9am - 12.30pm) via the webstream link that will be provided soon.


During the Forum on Sport and Human Rights, representatives of governments, the sport movement and NGOs, as well as academicians, journalists, athletes and experts, will present the situation in their areas of competence, discuss recurrent challenges and share ideas and solutions for taking things forward.

   List of speakers







Forum on Sport and Human Rights: Focus on freedom of expression

EPAS 30 November 2022 Strasbourg and online

The second edition of the Forum on Sport and Human Rights, organised by the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS), took place on 30 November 2022 in hybrid format (Strasbourg and online). The central theme of the Forum was freedom of expression. The event revolved around four subject areas:...

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Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport