The Steering Committee on Democracy (CDDEM):

  • started work in May 2024 based on Terms of Reference adopted by the Committee of Ministers in 2023. 
  • steers the Council of Europe’s intergovernmental work in the field of democracy and advises the Committee of Ministers on how to strengthen democracy, its institutions and processes, through a broad mandate reflecting the need for the Council of Europe to enhance work on all dimensions of democracy.
  • addresses democratic challenges and evolution based on the Reykjavik Declaration and in particular the Reykjavik Principles for Democracy as the core elements that underpin democratic systems, supporting member states with recommendations for their implementation.
  • works to strengthen civil society space in Europe, including by assisting member States to support and maintain a safe and enabling environment for engagement with civil society, in line with the conclusions of the Reykjavik Summit, the Secretary General Roadmap on the Council of Europe engagement with civil society, and taking into account the views of the civil society.
  • supports member States through standard setting and other targeted action in the area of elections and good governance.
  • enables and encourages the setting up of participative democracy processes, including, as appropriate, deliberative democracy
  • ensures the participation of everyone in public life, in particular of women, girls and young persons, persons with disabilities and voters in a situation of vulnerability (or vulnerable situation?), by identifying and exchanging good practices and developing and/or implementing relevant standards.
  • contributes to the work of the Council of Europe on digitalisation and artificial intelligence in relation to democracy and governance.
  • provides a forum for the exchange of information, views and experience and disseminates good practice on reforms in the area of democracy and governance, including through peer reviews and a rapid response service; to this end collaborates with the Centre of Expertise for Good Governance’s activities.
  • builds on the work of its predecessor, the European Committee on Democracy and Governance (CDDG).
  • contributes to the achievement of, and reviews progress towards, the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in particular regarding Goal 5-Gender Equality, Goal 11-Sustainable Cities and Communities and Goal 16-Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.