This page includes information about the meetings and documents of the CDDEM.

The Steering Committee on Democracy (CDDEM) meets regularly in plenary session and prepares meeting reports which are available in both official languages within one month after the meeting. Access to information about specific meetings and documents of the CDDEM is available below. Specific documents can be consulted in line with Resolution Res(2001)6 on access to Council of Europe documents.

Should you require any assistance, please contact the Secretariat at:

The rules of procedure of the Committee are governed by Resolution CM/Res(2021)3 on intergovernmental committees and subordinate bodies, their terms of reference and working methods.

Plenary meetings:

  • 47 members and Chair
  • 2 meetings (2 days) per year

Bureau meetings

  • 7 members
  • 2 meetings (2 days) per year

The CDDEM will appoint from amongst its members up to 5 Rapporteurs on mainstreamed perspectives, including a Gender Equality Rapporteur.

Plenary Meetings