Granting of Observer Status with the CDDEM and its subordinate bodies – criteria and procedure

Adopted by the CDDEM at its 1st plenary meeting (13-14 May2024)


Intergovernmental committees and their subordinate bodies can benefit from the participation of observers from States and other organisations under the rules of Resolution CM/Res(2021)3 on intergovernmental committees and subordinate bodies, their terms of reference and working methods. Organisations which can be granted observer status include civil society; associations of public institutions, authorities and communities; representatives of business; technical, professional and academic communities. 

Any organisation requesting observer status with the CDDEM or any of its possible subordinate body/ies should:

  • have proven ability to share and promote the values and principles of the Council of Europe; 
  • demonstrate a broad experience in the working areas of the CDDEM or its subordinate body/ies;
  • bring demonstrable added value and high-quality contribution(s) to the work of the CDDEM and/or its subordinate body/ies;
  • have a Europe-wide membership or representation in their area of competence.

Application for observer status

In order to request observer status to the CDDEM or its subordinate body, a letter should be addressed to the secretariat (addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe or to the Chairperson of the CDDEM) explaining the reasons of the request for observer status and providing any documents in support of the application, through the Committee’s official address ( Such requests would be considered by the CDDEM for decision during its plenary meetings.

Decision-making process

The CDDEM may request the applicant organisation to submit any (additional) documents to show that it meets the criteria for observer status listed above, with a view to facilitating the decision-making process Before making a decision, the CDDEM may invite the applicant organisation to attend a hearing at the relevant CDDEM plenary meeting.

Where an applicant organisation has specialised expertise within the competence of the CDDEM or of a CDDEM’s subordinate body, the CDDEM may decide to grant observer status to the Committee as a whole or only in relation to the respective subordinate body or in relation to specific activities or actions that falls within that specialised area. 

According to paragraph 8 of Resolution CM/Res(2021)3 on intergovernmental committees and subordinate bodies, their terms of reference and working methods, observers shall be admitted to the CDDEM and any subordinate body answerable to it on the basis of a unanimous decision. Where unanimity is not reached, the matter may be referred to the Committee of Ministers at the request of two-thirds of the members of the CDDEM. In cases of requests for observer status with a subordinate body which operates under the supervision of the CDDEM and another steering committee, a joint decision of both steering committees would need to be taken pursuant to the conditions set in paragraph 8 of the Resolution. 


 Reference documents