"Preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence in Ukraine" Project is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and implemented by the Council of Europe (Read more)

Project news

Back Co-ordination meeting on the decentralisation of social services in Ukraine, 31 March 2016

Organised and facilitated by the Council of Europe Projects “Preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence in Ukraine” and “Decentralization and territorial consolidation in Ukraine”, the meeting aim was to ensure that the decentralisation process planned for Ukraine takes into consideration its implications for violence against women and domestic violence issues, among other social policy issues.

The meeting was co-chaired by Ms Nataliya Fedorovych, Head of Department on family, gender policy and human trafficking (MSP) and Mr Serhiyem Sharshovym, Head of Department on decentralization and territorial consolidation (Minregion).

During the meeting, participants discussed current status, perspectives, priorities and challenges of the decentralization of power in Ukraine in the sphere of social services. As an outcome of the meeting, a concept paper on the implications and possible avenues of the decentralisation of social services will be prepared. The paper will aim at facilitating further discussions for the attainment of  an optimal distribution of powers and responsibilities between central, regional, rayon and local self-government authorities, while ensuring the quality and standards of the services provided.

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Other News

Back Advocacy campaign "Step up"

The International Women's Rights Center "La Strada Ukraine" in co-operation with the "Equal Opportunities" Caucus and the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine presented the advocacy campaign "Step up" on 31 May 2016. The campaign is oriented to combating violence against women and aims at the ratification and further successful implementation of the Istanbul Convention.

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  • Towards the establishment of a multi-agency co-operation mechanism for an integrated response to violence against women and domestic violence, at regional and/or local level, in Ukraine

Ukrainian version

English version

  • Recommended minimum common data categories required for collecting comprehensive data on cases of violence against women and domestic violence: conclusions of the inter-agency working group on data collection

Ukrainian version

English version



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Project bulletin # 6

Project Bulletin "Prevention and combating violence against women and domestic violence in Ukraine"

Issue # 6 (January - April 2016) 

English version

GREVIO questionnaire

Questionnaire on legislative and other measures giving effect to the provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention)

Adopted by GREVIO on 11 March 2016


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