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Study on the Effectiveness of Bar Entry Exams

The Council of Europe Office in Georgia has completed the study on Bar entry examinations organised by the Georgian Bar Association (GBA). It aims to support the GBA in improving the organisation and content of exams in the future.

The study was conducted by the Council of Europe’s experts, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative analysis. Results of the study present the information obtained from different target groups, including mainly persons who participated in 2019, 2020 and 2021 examinations. Among other issues the study recommends improvements to logistical, administration and appeal procedures.

The GBA organises the Bar Exams twice a year. The procedure and the examination programme are approved by their Executive Board. Exams are held with focus on civil law, criminal law and general specialization. Anyone with higher legal education is eligible to apply. If successful, the candidate is given a completion certificate and enrolled into GBA’s professional adaptation programme, which is a final step before becoming a practicing lawyer.

The activity was organised within the framework of the Council of Europe Project “Support to the Profession of Lawyer in Georgia”, implemented with the support of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Luxembourg, France, Netherlands, Liechtenstein, Latvia, the Human Rights Trust Fund, and the Fund to End Violence Against Children.

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