Back The Pompidou Group’s Online Self-Assessment Tool on Drug Use and Addictions is Now Available in Georgia

The Pompidou Group’s Online Self-Assessment Tool on Drug Use and Addictions is Now Available in Georgia

The Pompidou Group, as part of its project ’’Developing a Drug Prevention Support Network for Parents and Professionals in Georgia’’ presented the Georgian version of DUDIT (Drug Use Disorders Identification Test). This online self-assessment tool, designed to provide insights into drug use and addiction, is now available in Georgian language and adapted to the local context via DUDIT is a valuable online resource for individuals in Georgia who use drugs, as it offers them a better understanding of the potential risks associated with psychoactive substance use.

During the presentation, Ms. Lidija Vugrinec, Head of the National Information Unit at the Croatian Institute of Public Health, shared Croatia’s successful experience in using social marketing tools to reach adolescents and youth, promoting the use of DUDIT in the country.

In addition, Ilias Paraskevopoulos, an Addiction therapist from KETHEA in Greece, discussed the use of data collected through DUDIT for comparative research analysis. The tool could identify and target the most vulnerable groups (including women) that may not currently be engaged with treatment or healthcare services but are affected by drug use.

The event was attended by a diverse audience, including addictologists, treatment and harm reduction specialists from Centre for Mental Health and Prevention of Addiction, private narcological facilities, Alternative Georgia, Club Synergy, as well as social workers and representatives from state institutions. As a result of the meeting, several civil society organizations and state institutions expressed willingness to include DUDIT in their informational portals and integrate on their websites.

To begin the online test, please visit or simply scan the QR code:

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