Back Training of Trainers on Human Rights Education – New training course of the Council of Europe for the Training Center of Justice of Georgia

Training of Trainers on Human Rights Education – New training course of the Council of Europe for the Training Center of Justice of Georgia

On 3-4 June 2023, the Council of Europe Office in Georgia together with the Training Center of Justice of Georgia launched the training course on human rights education methods in equality and non-discrimination for the trainers of the Training Center.

During the training, participants were introduced with the human rights principles, the main elements of the rule of law, and national and international anti-discrimination framework. Participants discussed the notion of discrimination and analysed different cases from national and regional case law. The training course also covered the related legal aspects, such as objective justification of different treatment and legal mechanisms to protect equality, the role of Courts and Public Defender to address the discrimination case, and the role of other national and international legal bodies to protect equality. The second day of the training course was devoted to the introduction to human rights education. The participants were familiarised with the concepts, approaches, and values of human rights education and obtained knowledge on how human rights education can bolster the efforts against discrimination and inequalities. Trainers explored how Human Rights Education is applied in practice and also discussed Council of Europe manuals (Bookmarks; Compass; Compasito; Have Your Say; Gender Matters).

The trained trainers will conduct training sessions on the right to equality in Adjara region.

This activity is implemented in the framework of the Project “Promoting the Effective Protection of Equality and Non-Discrimination in Georgia.” The Project is funded through the Council of Europe Action Plan for Georgia 2020-2023.

4 June 2023
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