This joint European Union and Council of Europe Project “Application of the European Convention on Human Rights and harmonisation of national legislation and judicial practice in Georgia in line with European Standards” aims to contribute to the enhancement of human rights protection in Georgia. The project envisages strengthening the criminal justice framework in line with European standards and enhancing the capacity of legal professionals to apply it at national level. The project is funded through the Programmatic Cooperation Framework for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus.


Project Duration
1 July, 2015 – 31 December, 2018


Ministry of Justice, Chief Prosecutor’s Office, Supreme Court of Georgia, Tbilisi City Court, Regional Courts, High School of Justice, High Council of Justice, Georgian Bar Association

Who will benefit?

  • Georgian citizens who should enjoy improved equal rights and better protection of their human rights;
  • Judges, prosecutors and lawyers in Georgia who will be enabled to implement European Convention on Human Rights in their daily work;
  • Policy and decision makers.

How will the project work?

  • Through bilateral work as well as multilateral exchange of experience;
  • Special emphasis on common issues and special approach;
  • Emphasis on expertise, capacity building measures and tools.

Project activities:
- Development of recommendations for reforms and legal expertise;
- Study visits, training sessions, workshops, conferences;
- Translation of relevant materials into Georgian.

programme news

Back Workshop on Effective parliamentary oversight on execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights by the government

The Council of Europe and European Union in co-operation with Legal Issues Committee of the Parliament of Georgia are organizing workshop on “Effective parliamentary oversight on execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) by the government”

The workshop will bring together the high-level representatives of the Government, the Parliament and Judiciary.  

Mr. Cristian Urse, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Georgia, Ms. Tamar Chugoshvili, Vice President of the Parliament of Georgia, Ms. Nino Gvenetadze Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia and Ms. Eka Beselia, Head of the Legal Issues  Committee of the Parliament of Georgia will address opening remarks to the participants.

Speakers from the executive, legislative and judiciary field will discuss the role of the state in the process of a full, effective and prompt execution of the ECtHR judgements and overview the state of execution of judgments against Georgia. At the same time representative of the Department for the execution of judgements of the ECtHR, CoE will inform participants on working methods of the Committee of Ministers for supervision of the execution of the ECtHR judgments and importance of effective data collection and coordination between state agencies.

The event will be organised in the framework of the European Union – Council of Europe joint project “Application of the European Convention on Human Rights and harmonisation of national legislation and judicial practice in Georgia in line with European standards”, within the EU-CoE Partnership for Good Governance.

Journalists are invited attend:

Saturday, 1 July 2017, 9:30 am, Hotel Radisson Blu Iveria. Address:  1 Rose Revolution Square, Tbilisi, Georgia

For press queries contact:

Mr Giorgi Giorgadze, Council of Europe Office in Georgia,

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