About the Project

The project objective is to further strengthen the quality of response to violence against children, including online child sexual exploitation and abuse, in Georgia. In this regard, the project continues to further align the Georgian national legal and policy framework with the Lanzarote Convention and recommendations of the Lanzarote Committee related to child rights and combating sexual violence against children.

The project builds on the findings of the previous Council of Europe project Ensuring child-friendly justice in Georgia: preventing and protecting children from violence, including in the digital environment (2022-2023). The project will be implemented by the Council of Europe Children's Rights Division and in close cooperation with the Council of Europe Office in Tbilisi during 2024-2026.

  Budget: EUR 650 000 

 Duration: 1 June 2024 - 31 May 2026

 Continuation of the Project Ensuring child-friendly justice in Georgia: preventing and protecting children from violence, including in the digital environment

How does the project work?

Through a combination of tailored policy/legislative recommendations, capacity-building and awareness raising actions.

Who benefits from the project?

Law Enforcement Officials

Professionals working for and with children

Children and parents residing in Georgia

Civil Society

What do we expect to achieve?

  • Strengthening legal and policy frameworks

To further support Georgian national legal and policy reform in line with the Council of Europe’s standards, to address the needs identified by the Lanzarote Committee and the Public Defender’s Office of Georgia with respect to the protection of children from violence, including online.

  • Capacity building

To strengthen the capacities of police investigators, prosecutors, and other professionals. The project  relies on the guidelines developed within the scope of the previous project to enhance capacities of law enforcement officials to effectively safeguard rights of victims and witnesses of sexual exploitation and abuse.

  • Awareness raising

To reinforce the awareness of children, parents and adults working for and with children on what child sexual exploitation and abuse correspond to, including online child sexual exploitation and abuse, how to identify it, how to report it and how to seek help.

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Contact Us

Office in Georgia

64b Chavchavadze Ave. 14th Floor
Tbilisi 0179, Georgia

+99532 2913870/ 71/ 72
