Back Better Crisis Management in Georgian Prisons

Better Crisis Management in Georgian Prisons

On 1-2 May 2017 Council of Europe (CoE) and European Union (EU) organised working group meeting on introducing the crisis intervention in Georgian prisons. The meeting is part of the assistance provided to Georgian authorities in developing crisis intervention in the penitentiary system.

As a first activity of this process, a briefing paper on possible crisis intervention models in prisons was developed. This is to be followed by elaboration of an Action Plan on introducing crisis intervention in penitentiary establishments. The aim of the working group meeting was to discuss the first draft of the Action Plan with the representatives of the national authorities.

The draft Action Plan was developed by the Council of Europe local consultant and reviewed by two international experts. It comprises a descriptive part, presenting the current situation in the Georgian penitentiary establishments in terms of crises intervention and a short overview of the international practice in the related field. It gives description of acute crisis situations requiring immediate intervention and possible ways to address them. Main pillars of strategic actions are stressed and priority areas marked. The Action Plan aims to complement to the overall objective of Ministry of Corrections of Georgia providing safe and secure custody, dignity of care and rehabilitation to prisoners for safer communities. Its general objective is to prevent crisis episodes, reduce impact of the crisis on an inmate and his/her environment and ensure safety and stability of the facility.

It is expected that the Action Plan will be finalised based on the comments received after review from local and international consultants and the conclusions of the working group meeting and be prepared for further implementation. 

The working group meeting is part of the Council of Europe’s activities to support the Ministry of Corrections to enhance healthcare in prisons. This activity is organised within the framework of the CoE/EU cooperation programme -Partnership for Good Governance and within the Project Human Rights and Healthcare in prisons and Other Closed Institutions in Georgia II.

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