Strengthening the Protection of Social and Economic Rights in Georgia - Celebrating Three Years of Cooperation

1 December 2023 Tbilisi, Georgia

On 1 December 2023 the Council of Europe Office in Georgia held a Project closing event for the wide-ranging Project “Strengthening protection of social and economic rights in Georgia.” The event was opened by Cristophe Poirel, Human Rights Director, Directorate General Human Rights and Rule of...

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Event Series on European Social Charter Held in Georgia

26-27 October 2023

In 2005, Georgia ratified 63 out of 98 paragraphs of the European Social Charter, showing commitment towards improving the well-being and living standards of its citizens. However, there are still 35 key provisions, such as safe working conditions and fair renumeration, awaiting ratification....

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Call for tender - International consultancy services in the field of social and economic rights

17 October 2023 Strasbourg, France

The Council of Europe is looking for international consultancy services in the field of social and economic rights in order to support the implementation of different activities by the Department of Social Rights. These activities aim at enhancing the protection and promotion of social and...

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Workshop on Peculiarities of communication with minors and other vulnerable labour groups

6 July 2023

On July 5-6, a 1-day workshop was held for two groups of employees of the Labour Inspection Office, which aimed to familiarise them with the peculiarities of communication with minors and other vulnerable groups of labour, which will help the employees of the Labour Inspection Office to develop...

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Workshop on Sexual Harassment and Mechanisms of Response

4 July 2023

Discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace are still relevant issues. Considering this, the Labour Inspection Office started the current year with a new division. In the Department of Supervision of Labour Rights, a new division of supervision on the issues of workplace discrimination,...

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Overview of the practice of the European Committee of Social Rights and the European Court of Human Rights

28 June 2023

Protection of social and economic rights is an important part of the national legislation and Constitution of Georgia. Despite the legislative and institutional changes implemented in the last couple of years, challenges remain in the field of protection of rights in labour relations. It is...

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Labour Inspectors and representatives from Public Defender’s Office successfully completed the online HELP course

19 June 2023

Knowledge of labour relations regulating norms among socio-economic rights is of crucial importance for labour law professionals, especially for labour inspectors who on the daily basis are dealing with control of the compliance of established labour standards as well as on the other hand...

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Media Coverage of social issues in Georgia and the European Social Charter

7 June 2023

The European Social Charter is the most important international agreement of the Council of Europe, which recognizes and reinforces the fundamental social and economic rights of a human being. The Social Charter is considered to be the "Social Constitution" of Europe, the 1996 updated version of...

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Workshop on Developing Alternative/Shadow Reports on the Implementation of the European Social Charter

28 April 2023

As Georgia ratified the Revised European Social Charter (ESC) on 22 August 2005, it is obliged to follow the respective Monitoring procedure and submit the national reports to the European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR). While the Government bears the key responsibility for preparing national...

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"The European Social Charter and its importance in Georgia" - a cycle of seminars for representatives of the legal profession

On 21, 23 March and 1 April 2023, the Council of Europe organized a cycle of seminars on the topic - European Social Charter and its importance in Georgia. The seminar was conducted for three different groups, which included judges of the general courts of Georgia, members of the Georgian Bar...

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European Standards and Child Labour in Georgia – Council of Europe Organized the training for Labour Inspection Service

The Council of Europe Project "Strengthening Protection of Social and Economic Rights in Georgia" organised a training for the Labour Inspection Service on Child Labour and European Standards. The training enhanced the knowledge, capacity and experience of the Labour Inspection Service staff that...

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Labour Rights as Human Rights – the new phase of the course has launched

The Council of Europe Project "Strengthening Protection of Social and Economic Rights in Georgia" launched the second phase of the 12-week online HELP course on "Labour Rights as Human Rights" in Georgia. The Project organised the first round of the course in 2022, specifically for the Labour...

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Workshop on preparing Alternative/Shadow reports under the reporting procedure of the European Social Charter for the Public Defender (Ombudsman) Office in Georgia

The Council of Europe Project "Strengthening Protection of Social and Economic Rights in Georgia" held a workshop for the staff of the Public Defender’s office in Georgia on preparing national reports under the reporting procedure of the European Social Charter. The workshop aimed to share the...

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Workshop on preparing national reports under the reporting procedure of the European Social Charter

The Council of Europe Project “Strengthening Protection of Social and Economic Rights in Georgia” organised a workshop on preparing national reports under the reporting procedure of the European Social Charter. The European Social Charter is the Council of Europe treaty that guarantees social and...

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Donor Coordination meeting to address labour rights challenges in Georgia

For the second time, the Council of Europe Project “Strengthening Protection of Social and Economic Rights in Georgia” brought together international organisations working in different areas related to strengthening protection of labour rights in Georgia. Donor organizations and Georgian...

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3rd Steering Committee meeting of the Council of Europe Project “Strengthening Protection of Social and Economic Rights in Georgia”

28 October 2022

The Council of Europe Project “Strengthening Protection of Social and Economic Rights in Georgia” held its 3rd Steering Committee meeting on Friday, 28 October 2022 in person. Participants were informed about the activities carried out in the field of labour rights during the first phase of the...

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Labour Inspection of Georgia representatives visit National Labour Inspection in Poland

On 10 to 12 August 2022, the representatives from Labour Inspection office (LIO) in Georgia visited the National Labour Inspectorate of Poland at the National Labour Inspectorate’s Professor Jan Rosner Memorial Training Centre in Wrocław. Chief Labor Inspector Katarzyna Łażewska-Hrycko, together...

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Public Defender’s Representatives Visit Ireland to learn about the best practices related to the Protection of Social and Economic Rights

20-22 July 2022

On 20-22 July 2022, representatives of the Public Defender’s Office of Georgia participated in the study visit to Dublin, Ireland, where they held meetings with the representatives of the Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC), Ombudsman for Children (OCO), The Office of the Ombudsman and...

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Presentation and Discussion of the preliminary findings of the Labour Inspection Office Institutional Assessment and Recommendations

11 July 2022 Tbilisi, Georgia

The Council of Europe hosted a presentation and discussion on preliminary findings of Labour Inspection Office institutional assessment. Presented assessment aims to support the Labour Inspection Service in setting out the basis for effectively implementing its mandate within the newly embarked...

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32 Labour Inspectors successfully completed the online HELP course

6 July 2022

The Council of Europe Project “Strengthening Protection of Social and Economic Rights in Georgia” hosted an awards ceremony for 32 Labour Inspectors who successfully (with 96% success rate) completed the online HELP course on Labour Rights as Human Rights in Georgia. At the handover ceremony,...

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