Back PRESS RELEASE: Online notification platform for court users – major step forward in digitalising Albanian judiciary

PRESS RELEASE: Online notification platform for court users –  major step forward in digitalising Albanian judiciary

The first online notification platform, aimed at improving the efficiency and quality of services to court users was launched at the premises of the High Judicial Council today in the presence of representatives from the Tirana District Court and Bar Association.

It addresses one of the systemic issues in the Albanian judiciary by ensuring a real-time communication for all lawyers and court users and detailed information on summons and judicial notifications in compliance with the current legal provisions.

Addressing the event, the Chair of High Judicial Council, Naureda Llagami, stressed that: "The extension of such digital communication instruments not only to all courts but also to all actors would put an end to a major and chronic problem that our system has today with the duration and procrastination of trials as well as in ensuring a participation effective of all interested parties and the public".

Jutta Gützkow, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Tirana welcomed in her remarks stressed the importance of the online platform towards a more efficient justice system to provide quality justice services delivered to Albanian citizens. “The goal to be reached is the reduction of the length of proceedings ensuring the citizens’ right to a fair trial within reasonable time and the compliance with Article 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights ”, concluded Gützkow

Lenka Vitkova, Head of Section in the European Union (EU) Delegation to Albania, underlined the impact of new technologies in delivering quality services to the public. “The EU is proudly supporting Albania in setting up a new, digital court case management system that improves public services in the judiciary. These new tools will be successful only if based on professional cooperation, training and commitment,” Vitkova said. 

Fatmir Braka – Deputy Head of the Bar Association in his address expressed the support and importance of this platform for the courts. "The creation of this electronic system and access to it by lawyers at any time through electronic devices such as phones and tablets, would help and avoid the present delays and difficulties.", said Braka

The testing of the platform begun in late June 2022, followed by capacity building of the staff of the Tirana District Court. It should improve the process of holding scheduled court hearings, optimise human resources and increase the cost-effectiveness of the judicial system. Through the implementation of the new judicial map, the platform will spread to all other courts in the country.

The platform is an initiative of the High Judicial Council, supported by the joint European Union and Council of Europe Action “Strengthening the quality and efficiency of justice in Albania” (SEJIII) under the “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”.


  • Lorena Gerveni – Communication Officer - High Judicial Council; Tel: +355694734246 / email:
  • Besnik Baka – Communication Officer - Horizontal Facility II Programme; Tel: +355692178430 / email:




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