Joint exercise confirms EDURES as a successful and innovative tool

4-6 September 2024 Verona, Italy

The Council of Europe’s approach to education in times of emergencies and crisis aims to strengthen the role of education for community resilience through the six principles for building resilient education ecosystems. The "Education in times of emergencies and crisis toolkit - EDURES" promotes a...

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EDURES first workshops in Albania: Contextualising educational resilience

4-5 July 2024 Durrës and Tirana

Following the official launch of the pilot exercise, an EDURES Enlarged Working Group, composed of the relevant stakeholders at local and national level, met in Durrës and Tirana on 4-5 July to contextualise the EDURES toolkit for the Albanian context. These workshops, which brought together...

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Education in times of emergencies and crisis: EDURES piloting officially launched in Albania

4 July 2024 Tirana, Albania

On 3 July, a piloting of the Council of Europe’s toolkit on Education in times of emergencies and crises that was developed to support the implementation of the Resolution adopted by the Council of Europe Standing Conference of the European Ministers responsible for Education in September 2023,...

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10 new schools join the initiative on Democratic Culture Labs in Albania

2-3 July 2024 Tirana, Albania

A peer learning event with 10 new pilot schools for Democratic Culture Labs was organised by the Council of Europe in cooperation with the Agency for Quality Assurance of Pre-University Education and the Ministry of Education and Sport. It brought together educational practitioners and leaders to...

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Informative and educational meeting with the students of Sami Frashëri high school in Tirana

11 June 2024 Tirana, Albania

The Council of Europe, in cooperation with the People’s Advocate, organised an open and inspiring discussion with students of the Sami Frashëri high school in Tirana on human rights and democracy. The students took a journey through history, not through textbooks, but through the documentary...

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30 school principals enhance their capacities on Democratic School Governance

31 May 2024 Tirana, Albania

The Council of Europe recently supported the compulsory training programme of the School of Directors with modules pertaining to Democratic Culture. 30 school principals, led by experts from the Council of Europe's education department, enhanced their skills and knowledge on democratic education....

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Students and teachers visit the former prison camp of Spaç

24 May 2024 Spaç, Albania

An informative and educational visit was organized for 40 students and teachers from high school At Shtjefën Gjeçovi, Kurbin and primary school Hamza Muça, Shkallnur at the former prison camp of Spaç. The visit aimed that young people learn and reflect about the past, especially the importance of...

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Students engage in a dialogue with the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of Albania

21 May 2024 Tirana, Albania

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Council of Europe, 20 young representatives of student governments from the high schools Eqrem Çabej, Sami Frashëri, Qemal Stafa, Aleks Buda, and Protagonistët were welcomed at the Ministry for Europe and Affairs by Minister Igli Hasani in a special...

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Education at Times of Emergencies and Crisis – next pilot to be launched soon

24-25 April 2024 Vienna, Austria

A peer exchange and a joint working group comprised of representatives of the Albanian authorities, Council of Europe experts and Secretariat took place in Vienna on 24-25 April 2024 to exchange views on the recently adopted Council of Europe Education Strategy, the implementation of priorities,...

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Sweden reconfirms co-operation for another two years in the field of democratic citizenship education

15 February 2024 Tirana, Albania

Inspiring, with positive energy and motivating examples, students from Joint Secondary School of Krrabë, in a visit at the Swedish Embassy in Tirana, introduced some of the activities conducted during the four-year journey of the Council of Europe project Strengthening Democratic Citizenship...

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