Back Publication of the 2022 Activity Report

Strasbourg 27.07.2023
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Publication of the 2022 Activity Report

The 2022 Activity Report of the Administrative Tribunal is available on the Tribunal's website.

This report presents staff disputes at the Council of Europe, the Council of Europe Development Bank and the affiliated international organisations which have recognised the jurisdiction of the Tribunal (CCNR, HCCH and OTIF).

The report provides a statistical overview, for 2022, of administrative complaints, cases before the Advisory Committee on Disputes, appeals to the Administrative Tribunal, as well as judgments and orders issued by the Tribunal.

This year's report also highlights a number of principles arising from the case law which the Tribunal has applied when considering the appeals in question.

latest informations


Latest appeal

No. 765/2024 -
L. Y. v. Secretary General registered on 3 October 2024

Last decisions published