Back Peter MOLNAR

Substitute member

Judge, Constitutional Court


Born on 10th May 1974 in Košice.


Graduated at the Law Faculty of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice in 1997. Three years later he was awarded the degree juris utriusque doctor.


Between 1997 – 2000 he worked as a distrain officer clerk and subsequently as a candidate-distrain officer. He passed the professional exam of certified distrain officer in 1999. He worked as a certified distrain officer from 2001 until he was appointed a judge of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic.


Since 2000 he has lectured and performed academic activities at the Department of Civil Law of the Law Faculty of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, he was awarded PhD degree and in 2016 he was awarded the degree Associate Professor in Civil Law. He is co-guarantee of this field of study. As an external member of the pedagogical staff of the Judicial Academy of the Slovak Republic, he has been involved in the training of current and future judges and prosecutors since 2010.


Between 2010 – 2012 he was President of the Slovak Chamber of Distrain Officers.


He was a member of the Legislative Commission of the Slovak Chamber of Distrain Officers (2001 – 2005), Disciplinary Commission of the Slovak Chamber of Distrain Officers (2005 – 2007), Bureau of the Slovak Chamber of Distrain Officers (2007 – 2019), representative of the Slovak Chamber of Distrain Officers in the European Judicial Network (EJN) for civil and commercial matters (since 2010), member of the Permanent Council of the International Organization of Certified  Distrain Officers (2010-2012), Scientific Council of the Faculty of Law of Comenius University in Bratislava (2011 – 2014) and Scientific Council of the Faculty of Law of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (since 2019).


He participated in amendments to the Code of Distrain Procedure (2009 – 2016), the recodification of the Code of Civil Procedure (2012 – 2015), the amendment of the Notarial Code (2012), the amendment to the Arbitration Act (2012) and the Voluntary Auction Act (2013).


He is author and co-author of several books, university textbooks, academic works and contributions published in domestic and foreign magazines and collections.


He was appointed a Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic on 17 April 2019.

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European Commission for
Democracy through Law