2002-2005: Yerevan State University (Department of Law); Specialisation: Public International Law, PhD in Public International Law (on the topic of “State Responsibility for Genocide”
2000-2002: Yerevan State University (Department of Law); Specialisation: Law (Jurisprudence), Master's degree in Law (on the topic “Legal Status of Permanent Representations of States at International Organisations”)
1996-2000: Yerevan State University (Department of Law); Specialisation: Law (Jurisprudence), Bachelor's degree in Law
2019 - present National Assembly of RA; Position: the Chair of the Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs
2018- 2019 Constitutional Court of RA; Position: the Head of the Staff of the Constitutional Court
2016-2018 Constitutional Court of RA; Position: Adviser of the Constitutional Court
2016-2018 “Constitutional Culture” International Analytical Center (Foundation); Position: Executive Director
2005-2020 Yerevan State University (Law Department); Position: Professor of Public International Law (combine job)
2013-2016 Staff of the Constitutional Court of RA; Position: Head of Legal Advisory Service
2006-2013 Staff of the Constitutional Court of RA; Position: Head of International Treaties Department of Legal Advisory Service
2014-2015 Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) State University (Law Department); Position: Acting Head of Chair of International and European Law (combine job) (a.d.)
2007-2014 Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) State University (Law Department); Position: Professor of Public International Law (combine job)
2003-2006 Staff of the Constitutional Court of RA; Position: Senior expert of Legal Advisory Service
2020-present General Rapporteur on the Abolition of the Death Penalty: Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights
2020-present Chair of the Sub-Committee on Human Rights: Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights
2020-present Member of the Committee on Rules of Procedure, Immunities and Institutional Affairs
2019-present Full Member of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights
2019-present the Alternate Member of the Committee on the Election of Judges to the European Court of Human Rights
2020 Rapporteur on “the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Human Rights and the Rule of Law”
November 2020, Participation in the International Conference "Lessons of Nuremberg", Moscow, Russian Federation.
December 2019, Participation in the Meeting of the ODIHR Group of Experts Dem Law-making and Public Consultations, Venice, Italy
July 2019, Participation in the Nuremberg Principles International Academy “Nuremberg Moot Court”, Nuremberg, Germany (as an expert).
May 2019, Participation in ICRC “The Martens Readings on International Humanitarian Law”, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation.
April 2019, Participation in the Conference: “Between denial and recognition. The genocide of the Armenians in the historical-political debates and commemorative-cultural discourses in Germany”, Berlin, Germany.
October 2018, Participation in the International Scientific Conference “Holocaust and International Law” dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Odessa, Ukraine.
August 2018, Participation in the International Conference dedicated to the Day of Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan.
July 2018, Participation in the Nuremberg Principles International Academy “Nuremberg Moot Court”, Nuremberg, Germany (as an expert).
Participation in “Saint-Petersburg Legal Forum”, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation.
March 2018 Participation in the International Conference dedicated to the Centennial of the Independence of the Republic of Armenia, Beirut, Lebanon.
December 2017, Participation in the Round table dedicated to the ICRC Project on the Updated Commentaries on the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols and Presentation of the Russian edition of the Commentaries, Moscow, Russian Federation.
October 2017, Participation in EAFJD “the Fourth European Armenian Convention”, Brussels, Belgium.
September 2017, Participation in the Fourth Congress of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice, Vilnius, Lithuania.
June 2017, Participation in ICRC “The Martens Readings on International Humanitarian Law”, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation.
April 2017, Participation in the Strassler Center of the Clark University International Conference “Emerging Expertise; Holding Accountability Accountable”, Worchester, Massachusetts, USA
October 2016, Participation in the Twenty-Third Annual International Law and Religion Symposium on "Religious Rights in a Pluralistic World", Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, Washington DC, USA.
June 2016, Participation in the University of Tartu Faculty of Law in cooperation with the International Center for Law and Religion Studies, Brigham Young University International Conference “Freedom of Religion or Belief in Situations of Crisis: Why Can’t We Get Along?”, Tallinn, Estonia.
October 2015, Participation in the University of Warsaw & Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Conference “Civilians in Contemporary Armed Conflicts, Rafał Lemkin’s Heritage”, Lviv, Ukraine.
May 2015, Participation in “Saint-Petersburg Legal Forum”, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation.
May 2015, Participation in ICRC “The Martens Readings on International Humanitarian Law”, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation.
January 2015, Participation in the Haygazian University Conference on “Armenian Genocide Centennial: Addressing the Implications”, Beirut, Lebanon.
December 2014, Participation in 9th Meeting of the Committee for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, UNSECO, Paris, France.
September-October 2014, Participation in the 3rd Congress of the World Conference of Constitutional Justice, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
October 2013, Participation in EAFJD “the 3rd European Armenian Convention”, Brussels, Belgium.
May 2012, Participation in the Inaugural Congress of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
May 2012, Participation in the ICRC Scientific and Practical Workshop “International Legal Standards in the ICRC Humanitarian Action”, Almaty, Kazakhstan (as an expert).
April 2012, Participation in the Conference “Genocide a Crime against Humanity: Historical and Legal Aspects of the Armenian Genocide”, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation.
February-March 2012, Attendance to the GIZ Winter Academy “Transformation Lawyers – Legal Dialog for Legal Transformation”, organized in association with the Hertie School of Governance & Bucerius Law School, Berlin, Germany, (certificate of attendance).
February 2012, Participation in the International Conference “Toward 100 Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide”, Trieste, Italy.
October 2010 Participation in the World Public Forum “Dialogue of Civilizations” VIII Rhodes Forum Annual Session, Island of Rhodes, Greece.
April 2010, “Cultural Genocide” International Conference dedicated to the 95th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, organized by the NAS Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, Yerevan, Armenia
March 2009, Participation in the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) International Conference “Armenia and Armenians in International Treaties”, Ann Arbor MI, USA.
October 2008, Participation in the Venice Commission and Constitutional Council of Algeria International Colloquium “Constitutional Interpretation in Constitutional Justice” , Algiers, Algeria
September 2008, Participation in GTZ and Turkmen Ministry of Foreign Affairs Conference "Basic Tendencies of Development in Public International Law", Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.
June 2008, Participation in Constitutional Court of Georgia, GTZ and the Venice Commission Conference "Constitutional Justice and the Rule of Law in the South Caucasus", Batumi, Georgia.
May 2008, Participation in ICRC “The Seventh Martens Readings: Contemporary Challenges of International Humanitarian Law”, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation.
April 2008, Participation in International Conference “The Issues of the Western Armenians’ Claims”, Nicosia, Cyprus.
November 2006, Participation in ICRC Round Table: “Customary International Humanitarian Law”, Moscow, Russian Federation.
October 2006, Participation in GTZ Regional Conference “Influence of International Law on the Domestic Legislation and Judicial Practice in the Countries of the South Caucasus”, Tbilisi, Georgia.
September 2006, Participation in European Public Law Center 2006 Reunion “Citizenship in the European Union”, Athens (Anavisos), Greece.
November 2005, Participation in ICRC Round Table on International Humanitarian Law, Moscow, Russian Federation (Certificate of Participation).
November 2004, Participation in "Istituto Venezia e l'Europa" Conference “History and beyond History. Armenians and Turks: a thousand years of relations”, Venice, Italy.
October 2003, Participation in ICRC International Scientific Conference “The Third Martens Readings: Contemporary Issues of International Humanitarian Law”, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation.
Member of the International Association of Genocide Scholars
Member of the Board of Editors of All-Russian Scientific-Practical Journal «Pravovaya Iniciativa»
Member of Armenian Bar Association
Member of the Board of the Center of Constitutional Law of the Republic of Armenia
Member of Armenian Association of International Law
Member of Center of International and Comparative Law
Member of the Peer-review group for the ICRC 2020 Commentary to the Convention (III) relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949.
Member of the Peer-review group for the ICRC 2016 Commentary to Convention (I) for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field. Geneva, 12 August 1949.
The Armenian Genocide and Its Influence on the Development of the Rafael Lemkin’s Concept, “Civilians in Contemporary Armed Conflicts: Rafael Lemkin’s Heritage”, Warsaw, WUW, 2017 (in English, Polish and Ukrainian).
The Legal Issues of Recognition, Condemnation and Overcoming of Consequences of the Armenian Genocide, Yerevan, YSU Publishing, 2017 (in Armenian).
Certain Matters of Harmonization of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia with the Provisions of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Russian Year-Book of International Law 2015, Special Issue, Saint-Petersburg, Social Commercial Company “Russia-Neva”, 2016 (In Russian).
On the Current Legal Importance of the Results of the Fact Finding Mission Organized Among the Survivors of the Armenian Genocide: “The Armenian Genocide by Ottoman Turkey 1915 Testimonies of Survivors: Collection of Documents”, Yerevan 2015 (in Russian).
The International Legal Status of the Republic of Turkey as a Continuity of the Ottoman Empire in the Context of Responsibility for the Armenian Genocide (co-authored with E. Sargsyan), “Orinakanutyun” (Legality) – Journal of General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Armenia, 2015, No. 1, Special Edition (In Russian).
Contemporary Legal Issues of Responsibility for the Armenian Genocide: A Brief Legal Memorandum (co-authors Yeghishe Kirakosyan, Levon Gevorgyan), Yerevan, Antares, 2015.
“Eurasian Integration: Limitation of Strengthening of Sovereignty?” Legal Science and Practice: Collection of Papers of the Conference “Legal Science and Practice: Traditions and Innovations”, Rostov on Don, 2014 (In Russian).
Commentaries to the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, Edited by G. Harutyunyan, A. Vagharshyan Yerevan, “Iravunk” publishing house, 2010 (Commentaries to Articles 6.4, 81.2), (in Armenian).
The Issues of Legal Validity of Peace Treaties in Armenia and Relating to Armenia: An International Legal Analysis, the Armenian Review, Volume 52, no. 1-2 (Spring-Summer 2010), Watertown, MA, USA.
The Applicability of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of December 9, 1948 to the Genocide against Armenians, «VEM» All-Armenian Magazine #1(29) 2010 (in Armenian).
The Issues of Protection of Human Rights in Non-Recognized States, in V. Hovhannisyan ed. “Global Political Developments and Some Issues of Particular International Legal Institutions”, Yerevan, 2010 (in Armenian).
The Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols, (Legal Editor of the Second Edition of the Armenian Translation), Yerevan, 2010.
The Current Tendencies and Developments in State Responsibility for Genocide, “XXI Century” # 6(28) 2009 (in Armenian and Russian), # 2(6) 2009 (in English).
Legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia on the issue of constitutionality of obligations stipulated in the Statute of the International Criminal Court: Some legal issues concerning with its possible Ratification by the Republic of Armenia in “the Russian Yearbook of International Law”: Special Issue, Saint-Petersburg, 2008 (in Russian).
Resolution 106: the Juridical Essence and Political and Legal Contents (pp. 95-101) in G. Novikova ed. “Regional Security Issues: 2007. Collection of Articles”. “Amrots group” Yerevan 2007.
Strengthening of the Democratic Structures and Rule of Law (pp. 24-46) in G. Novikova, S. Sargsyan eds. “Starting ENP: Some Priorities of Armenia” “Amrots Group”. Yerevan 2007.
Mechanisms of Enforcement of Constitutional Court Decisions: Actual Problems and Possible Solutions: in Vladimir H. Hovhannisyan ed. “Issues of Constitutional Justice and Tendencies of its Development nowadays (Collection of Studies)”: “Tigran Mets”, Yerevan 2007 (in Armenian).
“The Crime of Genocide in the Statute of the International Criminal Court” in “the Russian Yearbook of International Law”: Special Issue, Saint-Petersburg, 2003 (in Russian).
About Legal Analysis concerning to the Armenian Genocide Prepared for International Center for Transitional Justice. In “The Issues of the History and Historiography of the Armenian Genocide”. No. 8. Yerevan 2003 (in Armenian).
“Dynamics of Development of Basis of International Legal Responsibility for Commitment of the Crime of Genocide” in “Issues of Jurisprudence”, # 4, 2002 (in Russian).