Since 1996, the Venice Commission has established co-operation with a number of regional and language-based groups of constitutional courts, in particular the Conference of European Constitutional Courts, the Association of Constitutional Courts using the French Language, the Southern African Judges Commission, the Conference of Constitutional Control Organs of Countries of New Democracy, the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions, the Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils, the Ibero-American Conference of Constitutional Justice and the Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa. With the aim of uniting these groups and their members, the Venice Commission organised the first World Conference on Constitutional Justice on the topic “Influential Constitutional Justice – its influence on society and on developing a global jurisprudence on human rights” in 2009, which coincided with the 60th anniversary of the Council of Europe.

1st Congress of the WCCJ

  • The 1st Congress of the WCCJ, which was hosted by the Constitutional Court of South Africa in Cape Town in 2009, gathered 9 regional and linguistic groups and 93 Constitutional Courts, Constitutional Councils and Supreme Courts with constitutional, including human rights jurisdiction.
  • On the occasion of this Congress, the World Conference on Constitutional Justice (WCCJ) was set up as a permanent body.
  • The first meeting of the Bureau was held in Mexico, April 2009. The Bureau members prepared a draft statute, which was discussed at the Bureau meetings held in Venice, December 2009 and June 2010, together with the organisation of the 2nd Congress.

2nd Congress of the WCCJ

  • The 2nd Congress of the WCCJ on the topic "Separation of Powers and Independence of Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Bodies" took place in Rio de Janeiro, 2011. This event, which was hosted by the Federal Supreme Court of Brazil, gathered 88 Constitutional Courts, Constitutional Councils and Supreme Courts, as well as 10 regional and linguistic groups of courts from Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe.
  • The draft statute was amended on this occasion and finally adopted at the Bureau meeting held in May 2011 during the XVth Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts.
  • With the accession of more than 30 Constitutional Courts, Constitutional Councils and Supreme Courts exercising constitutional justice, the Statute of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice entered into force on 24 September 2011. 

3rd Congress of the WCCJ

  • The 3rd Congress of the WCCJ on the topic ‘Constitutional Justice and Social Integration’ was hosted by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Korea in September-October 2014.
  • The congress examined how constitutional courts have dealt with social integration and – in its absence – with social conflict. The participating judges were able to draw inspiration from the experience of their peers, whether from positive examples or from cases where the courts were unable to solve these issues. 
  • In addition to the 1st General Assembly of the World Conference, a stock-taking exercise took place during the 3rd Congress. The participants adopted the Seoul Communiqué.

4th Congress of the WCCJ

  • Upon invitation by the Constitutional Court of Lithuania, the 4th Congress of the WCCJ on the topic "Rule of Law and Constitutional Justice in the Modern World" was held in Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania, in September 2017.
  • According to the Vilnius Communiqué, the 4th Congress concluded that within the framework of their constitutional competence, Constitutional Courts ensure the respect for and the implementation of national constitutions and exert a strong influence on shaping the content of the principle of the rule of law.
  • The stocktaking on the independence of Constitutional Courts of the 4th Congress showed that a number of courts had come under pressure from the executive and the legislative powers of their respective countries, but also from the media.
  • The 4th Congress called upon the member Courts of the WCCJ to resist pressure and to render their decisions only on the basis of the constitutions of their respective countries and the principles enshrined in them.
  • The 2nd General Assembly of the World Conference, held on this occasion, amended the Statute of the WCCJ.

5th Congress of the WCCJ

  • The 5th Congress of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice, held in Bali from October 4–7, 2022, brought together 94 delegations and 583 participants to discuss the theme “Constitutional Justice and Peace.”
  • The Congress reaffirmed the critical role of constitutional courts in upholding democracy, the rule of law, and human rights as key to fostering social peace and resolving conflicts.
  • Discussions highlighted the courts' contributions to conflict prevention, human rights protection, and institutional legitimacy, as well as the importance of their independence, transparency, and resilience against undue pressures.
  • The event also spotlighted Indonesia’s initiative to create a Constitutional Supremacy Index (CSI) to measure constitutional compliance globally.

European Commission for
Democracy through Law


28-30 October 2025

6th Congress of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice “Human Rights of Future Generations”

Madrid, Spain