19 November 2015 - 16.00-17.30 - Room 10, Palais de l'Europe, Interpretation: FR/EN - Sponsored by the International Organisation of La Francophonie


The lab aims to put into perspective the role of regulating freedom of expression in the current context of the terrorist threat and the dissemination of content inciting to hatred and violence online.

Initiative 1

Between media regulation and the protection of personal data

Using the initiative of Tunisia's media regulatory authority (HAICA) as a starting point, this lab will develop an index of hate speech in Tunisian audiovisual media. It will then more broadly compare experiences of media regulatory authorities (in Belgium and Tunisia) and personal data protection authorities (in Burkina Faso and Mauritius), in terms of protection of freedom of expression in the context of the fight against terrorism, while including the views of civil society (APTI - Romania).


Mr Nouri LAJMI, Tunisia, Chairman of the Independent High Authority for Audiovisual Communication

Nouri Lajmi is chairman of the Independent High Authority for Audiovisual Communication (HAICA) of Tunisia since 2013. He holds a PhD in information science, has been teaching at the University of Manouba in Tunis and conducted numerous studies in the fields of journalism, and ethics of information and news. He spent several years in Canada, where he worked with several NGOs and was a consultant to the Canadian International Development Agency for a program to support journalists. There, he also worked with the Public Law Research Centre of the University of Montreal and with the Department of Information and Communication at Université Laval in Quebec City.


Discussants are invited to take part in the Labs in order to share their experience with the presented democratic initiatives and try to bring broader perspectives to the following discussions.

Ms Drudeisha MADHUB, Mauritius, Data Protection Commissioner of Mauritius

Graduated in law and specialized in international human rights, Ms Drudeisha Madhub worked for more than six years as a lawyer in the State Law Office. After obtaining a LL.M in International Human Rights at the University of Essex, she joined in 2007 the Office of the Prime Minister, as Commissioner of data protection. As such, she is a member of the Francophone Association of Personal Data Protection (AFAPDP) and the Global Privacy Enforcement Network (GPEN). In 2011, she was appointed expert in data protection and human rights by Interpol as a member of the Commission for the Control of Interpol’s Files. Since September 2014, she is also an expert at the United Nations in the UN Global Pulse data advisory group.


Mr Francis KPATINDÉ, France, Journalist and lecturer at the Institute of Political Studies, Sciences Po Paris

Francis Kpatindé is journalist and lecturer at the Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po. Paris). He is the former editor of “Jeune Afrique” newspaper. He was also the spokesman for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Geneva and then in West Africa.


Mr Aurélien CANTOU

Lab 17 - Framing freedom of expression?
Palais de l'Europe - room 10 19 Nov., 16.00-17.30
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Challenges 2015