7 November 2023 - 9.00-11.00  / Room 6 Palais de l'Europe

Interpretation FR/EN

Sponsored by the City of Strasbourg

Peaceful societies are those that can secure that the basic needs of everybody are met. With the emergence of new technologies, we are increasingly capable of meeting these needs more rationally and efficiently, if there is enough political will to do so.

For many societies, economic growth is a necessary precondition for securing the basic needs of the population – yet this often brings its own challenges, as different groups see the potential of community’s resources differently. How can we best secure social inclusion? Can different modalities of direct democracy ensure that the basic needs of all are met? What can citizens do when the distribution of resources is increasingly unequal?

Lab 3: Social justice and equality

Full screen: ENFR / ORIGINAL

Palais de l'Europe, Room 6 7 November 2023 (09.00-11.00 )
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Interview with Žaklina ŽIVKOVIĆ, Executive Director, Polekol, Serbia

initiative 1

Digital Health for Epidemic Control of TB/ HIV-SmartCare Plus ZAMBIA - Institute for Health Measurement Southern Africa


The organization works to strengthen health systems for public health programs in Southern Africa. SmartCare Plus is a digital health application that is developed, scaled-up and maintained by IHM on behalf of the Zambian Ministry of Health and funded by the Centers for Diseases Control (CDC). It is an Electronic Health Record which supports all aspects of the Zambian Public Health Services, providing the Zambian Ministry of Health with access to the population’s health data for health management. The initiative started in 2003 as a solution to the challenges with monitoring child birth for pregnant women in rural Zambia and only supported Maternal and Child Health, but now it covers the entire spectrum of primary and secondary health care in Zambia. It helps improve healthcare access, enhance collaboration and coordination among healthcare providers, support public health initiatives, and strengthen healthcare systems.




Capacity Building Officer, SmartCare Plus


With a passion for Adult Learning and impactful Development Program Delivery, Jedidah Millapo Karia is a highly skilled Capacity Building Professional with a proven track record of success in developing, implementing, and scaling comprehensive training programs in Sub-Saharan Africa. With over 10 years of experience, 7 of those focused on digital health. Jedidah has honed their expertise in facilitating impactful learning experiences and providing strategic advisory services to organizations across various sectors. Her analytical skills enable her to assess complex challenges, identify gaps, and develop innovative solutions that drive sustainable growth and performance improvement.

initiative 2

The Mine Site Assessment Tool as a Capacity Building Instrument: a Case Study of Mining Communities in Ghana - Center for Social Impact Studies


Center for Social Impact Studies (CeSIS) was formed as a research and advocacy non-governmental organization primarily focused on providing research backbone to Ghana’s extractive industry, to support organizations and other institutions working in marginalized communities across the country. In 2018, following requests from mining-affected stakeholders for a simple-to-use tool to assess local mining operations, RMF produced the Mine Site Assessment Tool (MSAT). The survey-type Tool is designed to be used as an entry point for constructive company-community dialogue with a view to seeking resolution of issues of direct importance to local people. The Tool covers 15 topics on a range of economic, environmental, social and governance (EESG) issues, including questions such as air quality, water quality and quantity, rehabilitation, and tailings management. In undertaking their operations, mining companies are required to incorporate a social inclusion policy in their work. In this case, concerns of gender, youth, unions and persons with disability must feature prominently in their operations. For instance, company can respect local communities and help keep them safe by publicly disclosing the number and circumstances of any deaths that happen. Based on wide-ranging testing and consultation, this set of questions is intended as a starting point to constructive engagement at any mine site, big or small, and for local communities, civil society, workers, local government and others wishing to engage in a constructive way on what one can reasonably expect from mine sites.




Executive Director, the Mine Site Assessment Tool as a Capacity Building Instrument


Robert Ali Tanti heads the Center for Social Impact Studies, a research and advocacy non-governmental organization primarily focused on providing a research backbone to Ghana’s extractive industry. Robert is also a PhD candidate in Public Health at the University of Ghana. He holds a Master of Public Health (MPH) from the University of Ghana and a Bachelor of Education in Counselling Psychology from the University of Education, Winneba. Robert has undertaken several training courses in Ghana and abroad. He has expertise in reproductive health, youth development, social inclusion, climate change, small-scale mining and human rights advocacy.

initiative 3

Local Democracies Agencies: a tool of peace for democratic societies – ALDA: European Association for Local Democracy


ALDA was established to promote local democracy and citizens participation in the EU and to coordinate and support the network of Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs), which are self-sustainable, locally registered NGOs acting as promoters of good governance and local self-government. It promotes citizen participation and good governance at the local level by fostering the connection and cooperation between local authorities and civil society organisations. The Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs) are locally-based organisations, funded and supported by both local partners and international associates with a long-term joint program, providing financial and political support to fulfil their mandate and to accompany local democracy and civil society empowerment. Partnership-building is a crucial aspect for each LDA, as their work is based on the innovative method of multilateral decentralised cooperation. Each LDA is locally registered and works with local staff supported by ALDA in the field of project development and management, as well as in international networking. Currently, LDAs are located in Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Kosovo*, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkiye and Ukraine.

* All references to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations’ Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.


DEDIC Dzenana

Dzenana DEDIC

Establisher and director of Local Democracy Agency Mostar

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dženana Dedić establisher and director of Local Democracy Agency Mostar. A commercialist with 25 years of experience working in non-governmental and international organizations firstly in project administration, budgeting and finance and after extensive experience and additional education in project management in a field of democracy, good governance and civil participation. Certified expert of the CoE for the European Label of Governance Excellence (ELoGE). Member of teams for development of local development strategies and documents. One of the establishers of the Balkan Network for Local Democracy and the member of the Governing Board of the Peace Building Network.



Delegate of the Local Democracy Agency (LDA)


Anzhelika Pylypenko is the delegate of the Local Democracy Agency (LDA) Dnipropetrovsk Region, located in the city of Dnipro and a statutory member of ALDA Governing Board. The Local Democracy Agency of Dnipropetrovsk Region was established in 2015. It became the first LDA in Ukraine, and stands as a platform of cooperation, dialogue and exchange of experience and best practices across several aspects of regional development (cultural, social and economic) between local authorities and civil society in the EU and in Ukraine.LDA fosters citizen participation at the local level, and mobilizes civil society organizations, local and regional authorities to develop joint initiatives.

initiative 4

Right to water – Polekol


The organization for political ecology Polekol promotes the idea of a community that meets social needs without damaging the environment. The Right to Water initiative is an open membership platform that advocates for the protection of water as a common good and also for the human right to water. Its main goal is to raise awareness and mobilize people against pollution, overuse, and privatization of water. In the last five years, this initiative gathered, supported and founded more than 100 local environmental groups fighting for rivers and nature protection, lakes, access to drinking water, for wastewater treatment, but also for more democratic processes, greater citizens participation and right of local communities to have their say in matters of environment and just transition to a greener economy. It is a leading initiative in Serbia for the campaign Save the Blue Heart of Europe, founder and a member of a regional initiative Lets Defend the Rivers of Balkans (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Serbia), a member of the European Water Movement and global network People`s Water Movement.

All references to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations’ Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.




Executive Director, Polekol


Žaklina Živković is a political scientist who has been engaged in research and public advocacy in the area of environmental protection and nature commons for more than a decade. She supported the establishment and cooperated with more than 100 environmental organizations and initiatives throughout Serbia. Today, she is the executive director of the Organization for Political Ecology Polekol, a member of the Right to Water initiative, one of the founders of the Women's Network for Nature and Environmental Protection as well as the regional network Defend the Rivers of Balkans.


Discussants are invited to take part in the Labs in order to share their experience with the presented democratic initiatives and try to bring broader perspectives to the following discussions.



Communal Councillor of Arlon, Member of the Governance Committee of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe


For the past 11 years, Romain Gaudron has been a municipal councillor and group leader for the Greens in his city of Arlon in Belgium. With a master's degree in Human Resources Management, he currently serves as the General Director of the Public Center for Social Action of the Municipality of Sainte-Ode. Throughout his studies, Romain has been involved in student movements, notably as the President of the Federation of Francophone Students of Belgium (FEF). He is also a member of the Belgian delegation to the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe.



sociologist at the National Institute of Health and Medical Research and the University Paris Est Créteil


Meoïn Hagège is a sociologist at the Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale and the Université Paris Est Créteil. She conducts research in mainland France and overseas on the experiences of illness of marginalised or vulnerable people, and on care work from an intersectional perspective. She is treasurer of the association Migrations Santé Alsace.



Deputy Mayor of Strasbourg in charge of local democracy, citizen initiatives and participation and European citizenship


Carole Zielinski arrived in Strasbourg in 2016 as part of her studies. She holds a Master 1 in Public Law and Private Law and a Master 2 in Political Science: Health, Environment, Politics. The subject of her dissertation was: "Building a public problem of environmental health at the local level. The example of air pollution in the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg". Then, she did a civic service at ATMO Grand Est where she raised awareness on air quality among young people. After extending her experience at ATMO Grand Est as an air-climate-energy researcher, she now devotes herself fully to her mandates as Deputy Mayor in charge of local democracy, initiatives and citizen participation, European citizenship, Eurometropolitan Councillor and co-president of the Ecologist and Citizen Eurometropolis group.
