8 November 2022, 14.30-16.30 - Room 8 – Palais de l’Europe 

Interpretation: EN/FR

sponsored by the PACE Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development

In every society, every country, representatives of certain groups find themselves facing barriers that stop them from fully engaging in social, political, and economic life. This is often a function of discriminatory or stigmatizing attitudes towards these communities and it can represent a painful, unjustifiable and self-sabotaging loss of their potential for their communities and their societies as a whole.

How all relevant actors, from local governments to the international level, ensure that all groups and individuals genuinely benefit from equal opportunities? Are the existing tools and mechanisms enough to eliminate social exclusion? How can we create a system that will be flexible to adapt to those challenges that the future might hold for us?

Lab 6: Social Inclusion

Full screen: ENFR / ORIGINAL

Palais de l'Europe, room 8 8 November 2022 - 14.30-16.30
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initiative 1

360-Degree Approach to Parliamentary Openness in Africa– Parliamentary Network Africa

AFRICA (headquarters in GHANA)

Parliamentary Network Africa (PNAfrica) is an international NGO registered under the laws of the Republic of Ghana. We operate as a convener and connector of civil society parliamentary monitoring organisations across Africa, with the goal of promoting Open Parliaments on the Continent. Our thematic areas of operations include strengthening and supporting African legislatures to remain transparent, accountable and inclusive, and to promote citizens participation in the work of parliaments; promoting access to parliamentary information through building capacity of journalists reporting from various National Assemblies; connecting citizens to their national, sub-national and transnational parliaments; and convening non-state actors to understand and appreciate how parliaments work and opportunities to engage.


OBENG Samuel

Samuel OBENG

Executive Director at Parliamentary Network Africa (PNAfrica)


Sammy Obeng is a parliamentary development practitioner and an expert on African Parliaments. He works as Executive Director at Parliamentary Network Africa (PNAfrica) – a CSO that convenes and connects civil society parliamentary monitoring organisations and parliamentary journalists across Africa to promote Open Parliaments.  He directs the Organisation’s programmes in 11 African Countries where they support parliamentary institutions, CSOs, journalists and citizens to promote transparency, accountability, inclusion and citizens participation in the work of the Legislature. Sammy also acts as Head of Secretariat for the African Parliamentary Press Network.

initiative 2

Integration of Refugees by Refugees– “Hilfe von Mensch zu Mensch“ e.V. Munich


Hilfe von Mensch zu Mensch“ e.V. Munich is a NGO dedicated to facilitating the integration of refugees and immigrants.

It is an organization of, by and for refugees and immigrants that aims to empower others and themselves. Through HVMZM’s services, refugees and immigrants learn to appreciate and work within Germany’s democratic institutions and participate in the public sphere. Our approach is based on creating possibilities for rapid integration of newcomers, by immersing them into language learning and labour markets, without allowing time for a sens of isolatuion and abandonment to develop. We insist on continued cultural exchanges between members of non-German origin and German neighbours.




Head of the language department at Hilfe von Mensch zu Mensch


Naim Alađuz is a 28 year old magister of German philology and Professor of the German language. He was born in war time Bosnia, living in Germany since 2021. He has studied German philology at the University of Sarajevo, where he also got his degree. Currently working as the head of the language department at Hilfe von Mensch zu Mensch, where the primary goal is to create as much as possible opportunities for people to learn the German language, customs, tradition, legislative framework, in order to integrate themselves into the society, therefore creating the first precondition for democratic participation.

initiative 3

Bagages à main – Laboratorio del cittadino APS


Laboratorio del Cittadino APS is an association for social promotion that pursues objectives of social solidarity and active citizenship to strengthen active community involvement and social interaction.

The Hand luggage initiative aims to mobilise citizens' democracy to revitalise the public square and re-launch active citizenship, calling on everyone to fulfil their duty of collective mobilisation for the good of the community. This is the beginning of an encounter (real or virtual) with people who are forced to flee war, civil strife, and the resulting human rights violations. With one question as a starting point for the process: what object(s) did they take before fleeing with their hand luggage?




Citizens Programme, EUactive Citizenship Project, Bagages à Main BAM, CAP - Participate to Understand Act, Erasmus+


Born in Città della Pieve on 28 February 1944, Mariella Morbidelli attended the classical high school in Modena and graduated in biological sciences at the University of Modena. Immediately after graduation, she worked as a biology researcher in Lausanne and Paris. For 30 years she taught science and mathematics in secondary schools. Today she works for the Europe for Citizens Programme, EUactive Citizenship Project, Bagages à Main BAM, CAP - Participate to Understand Act, Erasmus+, and she is in charge of the Citizens' Laboratory.

initiative 4

Participatory approaches for improved local governance and social inclusion of Roma through ROMACT and ROMACTED Joint Programmes– Council of Europe / European Commission


Hors concours

Started in 2013, the ROMACT Programme aims at strengthening the capacity of local authorities to perform their roles and responsibilities in an effective and efficient manner, by helping them to design and implement more inclusive plans, policies and projects, to access resources that would support the active inclusion of Roma at local level, as well as to support the establishment and enforcement of mechanisms and processes for good governance at local level.

*All references to Kosovo, whether the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations' Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.




ROMACT Programme Manager at Council of Europe

VASIĆ  Marina

Marina VASIĆ

Council of Europe


Discussants are invited to take part in the Labs in order to share their experience with the presented democratic initiatives and try to bring broader perspectives to the following discussions.


Louise KANZA

Youth Delegate

Democratic Republic of Congo

Louise Kanza is an award-winning activist, a speaker and facilitator. Louise works as a community engagement specialist in the Democratic Republic of the Congo , Louise works to encouraging the participation of women in different spheres of political decision making and democratic processes. Louise is passionate about highlighting the intersectionalities between women's rights issues, sexual reproductive health rights and political participation to ensure that women and girls' voices are amplified, heard and counted in all levels of democratic society.


Youth Delegate


Coaching a girl's team in the field of soccer for 3 years all around Armenia with “GOALS” and “CAC” organizations where we integrate social impact concepts through sports. Our Societies should never underestimate the power of the striving female generation who have the ultimate potential to raise their voice in the society and shield themselves from any social issues such gender inequalities, bullying or domestic violence. My duty is to support them on their journey of self-discovery where they become leaders and pursue their life goals.

VELLA Lorenzo

Lorenzo VELLA

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Malta to the Council of Europe

