World Forum for Democracy 2018: Speakers
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Researcher at LTS Law, Science, Technology & Society, VUB Free University of Brussels
Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius is a researcher (Marie Curie fellow) at the LSTS Research Group on Law, Science, Technology & Society, at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He is also a fellow of the Institute for Information law (IViR) at the University of Amsterdam. He has published extensively on privacy, freedom of expression, and discrimination. He regularly presents his work to academics, policymakers, and other stakeholders around the world. An important theme of his research is protecting fairness and fundamental rights in the context of new technologies. At the request of the European Parliament, he wrote a report in 2017 on the legal protection of privacy on the internet. In 2017 he received an EU Marie Curie grant, to conduct research into the risk of discrimination in the context of machine learning and artificial intelligence. In 2018, he wrote a report for the Anti-discrimination department of the Council of Europe, about ‘Discrimination, artificial intelligence, and algorithmic decision-making’.