8 November 2021 - 9.30-10.30 / Council of Europe Hemicycle

Interpretation: FR/EN/RU

World Forum for Democracy 2021: Times for facts, Opening Session and Plenary 1

Full screen: ENFR / RU / ORIGINAL

Palais de l'Europe, Hemicycle 8 November 2021 - 9.30-12.30
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Director of Human Dignity, Equality and Governance, Council of Europe

Claudia Luciani is currently Director of Human Dignity, Equality and governance. Her responsibilities cover the implementation of the Istanbul and Anti-Trafficking conventions as well as of the gender equality strategy (2018-2023). Claudia’s work on governance focuses on the functioning of democratic institutions from election assistance, civil society participation and good governance principles. The World Forum for Democracy is how innovation in democracy helps us meet the current challenges.



Research Associate, Centre for the Future of Democracy, University of Cambridge

United Kingdom

Xavier Romero-Vidal is a Research Associate at the Centre for the Future of Democracy, University of Cambridge, where he explores the drivers of democratic legitimacy across countries and over time. He obtained his PhD from the Leuphana University of Lüneburg and his MA from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. His main research interest is the study of the evolution of public opinion and political behaviour from a comparative perspective.

WIKE Richard

Richard WIKE

Director of global attitudes research, Pew Research Centre


Richard Wike is director of global attitudes research at Pew Research Center. He conducts research and writes about international public opinion on a variety of topics, such as America’s global image, the rise of China, democracy, and globalisation. He is an author of numerous Pew Research Center reports.