World Forum for Democracy: Time for Facts 2024
6 November 2024 - 9.30-10.30 / Hemicycle, Palais de l’Europe)
Interpretation: FR/EN
Matjaž GRUDEN, Director for Democracy, Council of Europe
Laura Silver,
Adam BARTHA, Director of Epicenter (European Policy Information Center), Brussels
Adam is the Director of EPICENTER, a network of twelve leading free-market think-tanks from across Europe. He is responsible for facilitating collaboration within the network and leading its outreach activities in Brussels. Adam also serves as the Director of International Outreach at the Institute of Economic Affairs, the oldest free market think tank in Great Britain. He regularly gives talks on topics ranging from the rule of law, authoritarian populism, free market reforms in the EU, and the political affairs of Central and Eastern Europe. Adam was previously European Outreach Manager at EPICENTER and a Koch Summer Fellow in the Publications Department of the Independent Institute in California. He also has experience in domestic party politics in Germany and Hungary. Adam holds a BA (Hons) in Politics and International Relations from the University of Sheffield and an MSc in Political Theory from the London School of Economics.
Staffan I. Lindberg est professeur et directeur du V-Dem Institute à l'université de Göteborg. Il est le chercheur le plus éminent en matière de variétés de démocraties, un ancien membre de l'Académie Wallenberg, et le co-auteur de Varieties of Democracy (CUP 2020) et de Why Democracies Develop and Decline (CUP 2022). Il est l'auteur de plus de 70 articles scientifiques ainsi que de nombreux rapports, notes de synthèse et documents de réflexion. Il possède une vaste expérience en tant que consultant sur le développement et la démocratie, et en tant que conseiller auprès d'organisations internationales, de ministères et d'autorités nationales.
Laura SILVER, PEW Research Centre, Associate Director Global Attitudes Research, United States of America