Back Strengthening police and civil society collaboration to combat racism in the Eastern Partnership and Western Balkan countries

Strengthening police and civil society collaboration to combat racism in the Eastern Partnership and Western Balkan countries

In continuation of the joint efforts put in place by the European Union and the Council of Europe to enhance cross-regional collaboration to combat racism in the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership countries, a peer-to-peer exchange was organised in Skopje.

This training brought together law enforcement officers and representatives from civil society organisations (CSOs) in Armenia, Georgia, North Macedonia, and Serbia, aiming to improve their co-operation in safeguarding the most vulnerable groups experiencing racism and discrimination in each of the above-mentioned countries. David Martín Abánades, local police inspector from Spain and Council of Europe expert on hate crimes, racial / ethnic profiling, and improvement of relations between police and vulnerable social groups, held the training. This training was supported by experts from CSOs from Serbia and North Macedonia.

The training session followed-up of the three-days training workshop on addressing racism “Police operating in diverse societies”, organised in Strasbourg, in October 2023, and the publication of the Council of Europe manuals on Police Manual on Equality and Non-discrimination adapted in local languages.

Quality training is key to cultivating informed, skilled, and accountable police services that are equipped to support and protect societies in all their diversity and complexity, and to challenge and prevent racism, racial discrimination and all other forms of discrimination and intolerance. The exercises and activities in this manual are grounded in key Council of Europe norms and standards and aim to give them practical life in ways that inspire trainers and their participants. This manual is for police officers at all levels, including police leadership, first responders, investigators, pre-service personnel, specialists, and relevant civilian staff. Additionally, participants had the chance to participate in a field visit and engage in practical exchanges with North Macedonian law enforcement.

 Find more information about the work of the Partnership for Good Governance to promote equality and non-discrimination 

This event is organised in the framework of the joint European Union and Council of Europe “Promoting equality and combating racism and intolerance in the Western Balkans” and “Combating Hatred and Intolerance in North Macedonia” actions, implemented under the joint programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye”; the “Promoting equality and non-discrimination: towards more resilient and inclusive societies” and “Promoting equality and non-discrimination in Armenia” projects, implemented in the framework of the “Partnership for Good Governance” programme; and in co-operation with the Council of Europe project “Enhancing Equality and Non-Discrimination in Georgia”.



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