New Council of Europe HELP Course “Refugee and Migrant Children” adapted into Armenian context and launched in Yerevan


The Council of Europe Office in Yerevan, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Representation in Armenia, and the Centre for European Studies at Yerevan State University officially launched the CoE HELP course on protection and promotion of refugee and migrant children’s...

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The rights and benefits guaranteed by the Oviedo Convention were core focus of the Annual meeting of advisors of the Ministry of Health of RA

The annual meeting of advisors to the Ministry of Health as a vital platform for advancing the ratification of the Oviedo Convention by Armenia


On 16 May 2024 Armenia has signed the Council of Europe Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, known as the Oviedo Convention. Prior to the ratification of the Convention, it is essential to engage in discussions with various professional groups to ensure a shared understanding of its...

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Parliamentary discussion on Reproductive Health Rights


Article 14 of the Oviedo Convention defines that the use of techniques of medically assisted procreation shall not be allowed for the purpose of choosing a future child's sex, except where serious hereditary sex-related disease is to be avoided. Prior to the ratification of the Oviedo Convention...

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Landmark political declaration reaffirms importance of European Social Charter


The high-level conference on the European Social Charter in Vilnius, Lithuania, has adopted a landmark political declaration, reinforcing the commitment of Council of Europe member states to social justice and the protection of social rights. The event, held under the auspices of the Presidency...

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Innovating prison healthcare: Armenia’s advancement in telemedicine


Recognising its importance, the Council of Europe has consistently supported Armenian national authorities in enhancing healthcare accessibility for individuals deprived of liberty by integrating telemedicine into prison healthcare strategies. This included a needs assessment, policy...

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Balancing professional obligations with moral considerations Ethics Committee strengthens public trust in healthcare system


Ethics committees play a pivotal role in protecting patients' rights, providing equitable care, and fostering an environment where compassion and integrity prevail is essential to build public trust towards healthcare systems. They serve as the moral compass of medical institutions, ensuring that...

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Rehabilitation over punishment: Armenia adopts risk and needs assessment tool for convicts


On 02 July 2024 a Risk and Needs Assessment (RNA) tool for convicts was adopted by decree of the Minister of Justice of Armenia, marking a paradigm shift in the approach to resocialisation of persons deprived of liberty. This tool must now be applied across all penitentiary institutions to assess...

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European Committee of Social Rights Publishes annual report


The European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR) has published its Annual Activity Report for 2023. The report provides an account of many aspects of the ECSR’s work throughout the year, in particular the monitoring of the compliance of states with the Charter, but also a wide range of other...

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Training of trainers on whistleblower’s protection in Armenia supported by the Council of Europe


Whistleblowing protection and awareness-raising on whistleblowing mechanisms are essential in fostering a culture of transparency and accountability within both the public and private sectors. Effective protection mechanisms ensure that individuals who expose wrongdoing are safeguarded against...

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Protecting the right to life and the prohibition of ill-treatment: training for the Armenian military


Military commanders and military police officers have strengthened their knowledge to protect lives and ensure the physical and psychological integrity of members of the armed forces more effectively. Fifty military professionals participated in a Council of Europe training on the topics of the...

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The capacity-building meeting made it possible for medical practitioners from university clinics to acquire the knowledge and skills to promote the work of Ethics Committee for healthcare professionals in Armenia.
Balancing professional obligations with moral considerations Ethics Committee strengthens public trust in healthcare system

Ethics committees play a pivotal role in protecting patients' rights, providing equitable care, and fostering an environment where compassion and integrity prevail is essential to build public trust towards healthcare systems. They serve as the moral compass of medical institutions, ensuring that patient care is administered with utmost respect for human dignity and rights.

In a landmark effort to bolster ethical standards in healthcare, the Council of Europe has partnered with the Yerevan State Medical University and Ethics Committee for healthcare professionals to conduct a comprehensive capacity-building program on the functioning of the ethics committees for clinical specialists from university clinics. This initiative is designed to equip healthcare professionals with the latest skills and knowledge necessary to navigate complex ethical dilemmas in clinical practice.

The event organized on 4-5 July for around 45 medical practitioners aimed at discussing ethical rules for healthcare professionals and the functioning of the Ethics Committee for Healthcare Professionals in Armenia based on national and European standards in the fields of ethical rules and ethics committees, as well as on public debates in the field of healthcare.

The opening remarks were delivered by Laurence Lwoff, Head of Human Rights and Biomedicine Division of the Council of Europe, Izabel Abgaryan, Chair of the Ethics Committee for Healthcare Professionals and Mary Ter- Stepanyan, Head of the National Scientific Research Centre of Health Programs of YSMU.  Ms Laurence Lwoff emphasized the significance of this collaboration, stating, “In an era where medical advancements and ethical dilemmas often intersect, the importance of steadfast ethical guidelines cannot be overstated”.

As a part of a larger effort to promote ethical practices in healthcare in Armenia, the Council of Europe, the Ethics Committee for healthcare professionals and the Yerevan State Medical University are setting new benchmarks in medical ethics, fostering an environment where medical practice and ethical integrity coexist harmoniously.

The Ethics Committee for Healthcare Professionals (Ethics Committee) is an independent body which reviews cases of possible violations of professional ethical rules by healthcare professionals and consists of seven members, including healthcare professionals, lawyers, and psychologists who work on a voluntary basis. The cases under the review of the Ethics Committee fall under the framework of the relationships of healthcare professionals vis-à-vis patients, other healthcare professionals, third parties and public health in general.  Within a year of the functioning, the Ethics Committee for healthcare professionals examined six cases of alleged violations of the ethical rules

The capacity-building training was organised by the Council of Europe Project on “Protection of Human Rights in Biomedicine II” implemented within the Council of Europe Action Plan for Armenia 2023-2026.


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The capacity-building meeting made it possible for medical practitioners from university clinics to acquire the knowledge and skills to promote the work of Ethics Committee for healthcare professionals in Armenia.
Balancing professional obligations with moral considerations Ethics Committee strengthens public trust in healthcare system

Ethics committees play a pivotal role in protecting patients' rights, providing equitable care, and fostering an environment where compassion and integrity prevail is essential to build public trust towards healthcare systems. They serve as the moral compass of medical institutions, ensuring that patient care is administered with utmost respect for human dignity and rights.

In a landmark effort to bolster ethical standards in healthcare, the Council of Europe has partnered with the Yerevan State Medical University and Ethics Committee for healthcare professionals to conduct a comprehensive capacity-building program on the functioning of the ethics committees for clinical specialists from university clinics. This initiative is designed to equip healthcare professionals with the latest skills and knowledge necessary to navigate complex ethical dilemmas in clinical practice.

The event organized on 4-5 July for around 45 medical practitioners aimed at discussing ethical rules for healthcare professionals and the functioning of the Ethics Committee for Healthcare Professionals in Armenia based on national and European standards in the fields of ethical rules and ethics committees, as well as on public debates in the field of healthcare.

The opening remarks were delivered by Laurence Lwoff, Head of Human Rights and Biomedicine Division of the Council of Europe, Izabel Abgaryan, Chair of the Ethics Committee for Healthcare Professionals and Mary Ter- Stepanyan, Head of the National Scientific Research Centre of Health Programs of YSMU.  Ms Laurence Lwoff emphasized the significance of this collaboration, stating, “In an era where medical advancements and ethical dilemmas often intersect, the importance of steadfast ethical guidelines cannot be overstated”.

As a part of a larger effort to promote ethical practices in healthcare in Armenia, the Council of Europe, the Ethics Committee for healthcare professionals and the Yerevan State Medical University are setting new benchmarks in medical ethics, fostering an environment where medical practice and ethical integrity coexist harmoniously.

The Ethics Committee for Healthcare Professionals (Ethics Committee) is an independent body which reviews cases of possible violations of professional ethical rules by healthcare professionals and consists of seven members, including healthcare professionals, lawyers, and psychologists who work on a voluntary basis. The cases under the review of the Ethics Committee fall under the framework of the relationships of healthcare professionals vis-à-vis patients, other healthcare professionals, third parties and public health in general.  Within a year of the functioning, the Ethics Committee for healthcare professionals examined six cases of alleged violations of the ethical rules

The capacity-building training was organised by the Council of Europe Project on “Protection of Human Rights in Biomedicine II” implemented within the Council of Europe Action Plan for Armenia 2023-2026.


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The capacity-building meeting made it possible for medical practitioners from university clinics to acquire the knowledge and skills to promote the work of Ethics Committee for healthcare professionals in Armenia.
Balancing professional obligations with moral considerations Ethics Committee strengthens public trust in healthcare system

Ethics committees play a pivotal role in protecting patients' rights, providing equitable care, and fostering an environment where compassion and integrity prevail is essential to build public trust towards healthcare systems. They serve as the moral compass of medical institutions, ensuring that patient care is administered with utmost respect for human dignity and rights.

In a landmark effort to bolster ethical standards in healthcare, the Council of Europe has partnered with the Yerevan State Medical University and Ethics Committee for healthcare professionals to conduct a comprehensive capacity-building program on the functioning of the ethics committees for clinical specialists from university clinics. This initiative is designed to equip healthcare professionals with the latest skills and knowledge necessary to navigate complex ethical dilemmas in clinical practice.

The event organized on 4-5 July for around 45 medical practitioners aimed at discussing ethical rules for healthcare professionals and the functioning of the Ethics Committee for Healthcare Professionals in Armenia based on national and European standards in the fields of ethical rules and ethics committees, as well as on public debates in the field of healthcare.

The opening remarks were delivered by Laurence Lwoff, Head of Human Rights and Biomedicine Division of the Council of Europe, Izabel Abgaryan, Chair of the Ethics Committee for Healthcare Professionals and Mary Ter- Stepanyan, Head of the National Scientific Research Centre of Health Programs of YSMU.  Ms Laurence Lwoff emphasized the significance of this collaboration, stating, “In an era where medical advancements and ethical dilemmas often intersect, the importance of steadfast ethical guidelines cannot be overstated”.

As a part of a larger effort to promote ethical practices in healthcare in Armenia, the Council of Europe, the Ethics Committee for healthcare professionals and the Yerevan State Medical University are setting new benchmarks in medical ethics, fostering an environment where medical practice and ethical integrity coexist harmoniously.

The Ethics Committee for Healthcare Professionals (Ethics Committee) is an independent body which reviews cases of possible violations of professional ethical rules by healthcare professionals and consists of seven members, including healthcare professionals, lawyers, and psychologists who work on a voluntary basis. The cases under the review of the Ethics Committee fall under the framework of the relationships of healthcare professionals vis-à-vis patients, other healthcare professionals, third parties and public health in general.  Within a year of the functioning, the Ethics Committee for healthcare professionals examined six cases of alleged violations of the ethical rules

The capacity-building training was organised by the Council of Europe Project on “Protection of Human Rights in Biomedicine II” implemented within the Council of Europe Action Plan for Armenia 2023-2026.


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