This conference brought together a wide audience of Roma and non-Roma stakeholders in the youth and human rights fields. It aimed at strengthening the knowledge of Roma and Traveller history, culture and identity as a factor enhancing social inclusion and participation of Roma and Traveller young people.

The conference was organised by the Youth Department and the Roma and Travellers Team of the Council of Europe in the framework of the German Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. It was prepared and implemented in co-operation with the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture (ERIAC) and in close association with Ternype, the European Roma Grass Roots Organisations Network, Phiren Amenca and the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma.

 Its specific objectives were:

  • To support cooperation among Roma and non-Roma youth leaders by meeting, interacting and learning about the role of Roma history and culture in shaping the identities and perceptions of Roma youth in Europe today
  • To support the usage of Council of Europe standards, in particular the Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the inclusion of the history of Roma and/or Travellers in school curricula and teaching materials, the handbook “Right to Remember” and the role of the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture therein
  • To motivate participants and their organisations in their work as multipliers on education about Roma and Traveller history, culture and identity as well as Roma Holocaust Remembrance
  • To collect and disseminate experiences and expectations about promoting the participation and inclusion of Roma and Traveller young people
  • To celebrate Roma cultural diversity and associate young people and youth organisations to the celebrations of the International Roma Day and the 50th anniversary of the First World Romani Congress, held in 1971 in Orpington, Kent, United Kingdom.

 The conference focussed on three main issues:

  • 7 April: Roma history and culture
  • 8 April: Celebrating international Roma day
  • 9 April: Roma Youth : an agenda for empowerment

The conference closed with the presentation of conclusions and proposals for furthering work on Roma history with young people and ways to expand Roma youth participation based on double mainstreaming.

Youth Statement on the occasion of April 8 - International Roma Day 2021 >>

See all the reccordings >>